A Reflection On The Career Service Focus Assessment

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As you requested, I am reflecting on the Career Service Focus Assessment. This reflection will allow me to be open minded about other career options, but at the same time find out if the degree I am currently pursuing fits my skills, abilities, and interests. I will discuss (A) the Career Service Focus Assessment results and recommendations and (B) strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities to help me achieve my career goals. While answering the questions on the Career Service Focus Assessment, it showed that my interests are in outdoor activities, the environment, agriculture, and animals. My skills and abilities are in helping opportunities, managing money, math, and science. My weaknesses relate to art and business. Combining categories …show more content…

Some of my weaknesses, include, being quiet and shy, this makes it difficult to experience a lot of new people and activies. In every job there is some type of communication that is involved whether it is with a customer, co-worker, or boss. It is important to be able to speak up and communicate to others in all jobs. Another weakness I have is being impatient, patience is important in Animal Science because animals do not always do what is expected of them. Patience is a virtue that will help with every aspect of my life. Continuing to work on improving my weakness is very important, so that they do not interfere with my career goals. I consider a strength of mine, the knowledge and experience I have gained working with animals from both 4-H, and on the swine farm. These experiences and gained knowledge, have led me to my career choice with confidence. I have already learned so much about how to handle specific situations with animals. Being dependable is one of my greatest strengths. I always show up on time, ready to work to get the job done. This strength will be important to getting a job in Animal Science, because the employer will know they have someone to count on. My love for animals is a strength that is important in Animal Science because the whole career is about animals, and it’s important to love what you do for a living. Another strength is being observant. Observation is very important when working with animals and nutrition. They can be many threats that could stand in my way in reaching my career goals. Education has become very expensive, this could be a problem with finishing and getting the degree that I am striving for. Job availability could also stand in my way because I would prefer to stay in the area and that could limit my possibilities. Getting to know and network with

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