Twilight Short Story

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The circle of the sun touched the horizon and brought yellowish tinge to everything visible on African ground. Twilight was turning to dusk while a bunch of humanlike creatures hastily approaching the shelter. Two of them dragged an antelope. The lifeless body of the poor animal grooved the sand in front of a cave. Behind them, their accomplices carried the collections of dried branches. Before long, fire was set up and the cave was filled with the smell of roasted meat. As for the tribe, it was a day of fortune. Early that morning they had started searching for food. Suddenly they had found themselves in a dangerously occupied grassy opening. A couple of lions had enjoyed the shade under a solitary tree. Luckily, they had been so heavy-eyed after feasting themselves with an abundant catch that the tribe got a chance to exercise stealthy retreat to the safety. What a delightful end of the day! The band tears apart the antelope roast mumbling delightfully. After a while, one of the creatures turns hot ash into the fire and shadows start playing onto the cave walls. They gather around the primate who begins drawing something onto the limestone side. Many curious eyes peep over the painter’s shoulders. They try to figure out the …show more content…

Children, dogs, and cats first, on the floor before the device; grandparents next, on their chairs – silent and sullen; behind them – our mothers and sisters, whispering and from time to time laughing loudly. Finally, men, our fathers, standing and puffing smoke over the sitting crowd. In the mid of them, the proud owner of the box plugged in the wall gestures about something that should not be ignored. From evening to evening, the great men verify their profound acquaintance with the world of science and in time make more and more serious objections about the new

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