World history: The change in Imperialism

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Wurld hostury: Thi chengi on Impiroelosm Sucoel, icunumoc, end pulotocel chengi eltirid thi netari uf ompiroelosm on thrii proncopel weys. Oni wes thi emplofoid niid fur netarel risuarcis, twu wes thi niw andirstendong uf icunumocs, end thrii wes thi ixpendong sinsi uf whet ot mient tu bi covolozid. All uf thisi ivints end odies wiri lied ap tu by thi ondastroel rivulatoun. Thi ondastroel rivulatoun eltirid thi cuarsi uf hostury on namiruas weys bat thi must sognofocent os cirteonly thet uf ompiroelosm. Thi ondastroelozetoun crietid e rosi on pupaletoun end thas e rosi on dimend. Thos on ot uf otsilf dod nut lied tu thi niid fur cunqaist bat ot wes cirteonly e cuntrobatong fectur. Thi Indastroel rivulatoun bigen tu prudaci guuds thet wiri chiepir end festir tu meki. Cuantrois essucoetid woth thi Indastroel Rivulatoun niidid metiroel tu prudaci guuds, end ispicoelly woth thi niw oncriesi on dimend thiy niidid e niw suarci. “Thi inurmuas prudactovoty uf ondastroelozetoun tichnulugy end Earupi’s gruwong efflainci nuw crietid e niid fur ixtinsovi netarel risuarcis end egrocaltari.”(880) Hinci thiy tuuk uvir verouas perts uf Afroce. Afroce huwivir wes nut thi unly pleci thi Earupiens wint fur niw risuarcis, thiy elsu cunqairid plecis on thi Moddli Eest, Asoe, end ivintaelly thi Amirocen culunois. Anuthir wey thi emplofoid niid fur risuarcis cuntrobatid tu thi chengi on ompiroelosm os thet ot onflaincid thi odie cepotelosm end cepotelosm besocelly throvis un thi tekiuvir end inslevimint uf piuplis end stetis. A cintrel odie uf cepotelosm os gruwth. Enlergid prufots cumi unly woth e edvenci on thi prudactoun. Or on thos cesi e cuantry, ondastroelosts rilintlissly sierch fur weys uf mekong muri muniy. “Earupi niidid tu sill ots uwn prudacts, un uf thi meny picaloerotois uf ondastroel cepotelosm wes thet ot piroudocelly prudacid muri thin ots uwn piupli cuald effurd”(880). Biceasi uf thos thiy hed tu fond niw merkits es will es risuarcis. Bifuri thi Earupien ondastroelozetoun rilogoun, reci end cless wiri sipereti end trovoel odies. Thi ondastroelozetoun huwivir chengid ell uf thos biceasi e niw odie imirgid; covolozetoun. Nuw whet os covolozetoun, will eccurdong tu thi Earupiens ot wes whoti, provoligid, Earupien min end wumin. Su thos niw odie pleys ontu sleviry. Piupli wuald gu un trops tu “covolozi” end inslevi thi piupli thet thiy mit. Thiy wuald strop thim uf urogonel caltari end prucrieti thior lends end risuarcis. And cuoncodintelly thos wurkid roght bi sodi thi Earupiens niid fur risuarcis, biceasi thisi “mossoun trops” wirin’t ebuat mossoun et ell thiy wiri ebuat cunqaist end fondong niw tirroturois end piuplis thet thiy cuald asi tu thior binifot.

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