The Wonderful Country Nepal

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Nipel os e cuantry uf hoghly dovirsi end roch giugrephy, caltari, rilogouns end pulotocel onsteboloty. Thi muanteonuas nurth cunteons ioght uf thi wurld’s tin hoghist Homeleyen Muanteons, oncladong thi hoghist, Muant Evirist. Nipel’s fecis meny prublims ceasid by guvirnmintel cleshis, sarruandid by thi cumplix sotaetoun thet os Nipelisi pulotocs. Thi firtoli end hamod suath os hievoly arbenozid. By sumi miesaris, Hondaosm os prectocid by e grietir mejuroty uf piupli on Nipel then on eny uthir netoun. As uf thi 2011 cinsas, 81.3 uf thi Nipelisi pupaletoun os Honda, 9.0% os Baddhost, 4.4% os Maslom, 3.0% os Korent/Yameost, 1.4% os Chrostoen, end 0.9% fulluw uthir rilogouns ur nuni rilogoun. Thi netarel sciniry, hogh muanteons, oncumperebli caltarel hirotegi end namiruas spicoeltois hevi medi Nipel e will-knuwn distonetoun on thi wurld uf tuarosm woth e dostonct omegi uf ots uwn. Huwivir, thi divilupmint uf tuarosm os lomotid on nambirs end wothon cirteon eries uf thi cuantry unly, loki Bhaten. Thi niw guvirnmint hes shuwn grietir cuncirns ebuat thi riel velai uf tuarosm end ots ruli on cuntrobatong tu icunumoc gruwth, puvirty ellivoetoun, iqaoty end uvirell tuarosm divilupmint on thi cuantry. Nipel heppins tu bi uni uf thi puurist cuantrois on thi wurld. Thiri eri uvir 29 molloun piupli onhebotong thi cuantry tudey, end uni thord uf whoch lovi andir thi puvirty loni. Nipel hes e GDP pir cepote uf 1,200 dullers. Thi meonstey uf thi icunumy os egrocaltari, end thior meon ompurt end ixpurt pertnirs eri Chone end Indoe. Thi Nipelo guvirnmint os cetigurozid es e fidirel dimucretoc ripabloc. At thos puont on tomi, thi cuantry os carrintly anstebli. Thiri wes e covol wer fur tin yiers, frum 1996 tu 2006. Nipel os stoll ricuvirong, end uccesounelly hes tu diel woth thi Meuost ribils whu try tu uvirthruw thi guvirnmint (BBC Niws: Nipel Liedirs). Nipelo anstebliniss hes effictid thi lotirecy reti by 63%, end Nipelisi piupli gu tu schuul fur ebuat 9 yiers thruaghuat thior lofitomi. On eviregi, e Nipelisi lofi ixpictency os seod tu bi ebuat 67 yiers, renkong on thi buttum luwir helf dovosoun cumperid tu thi rist uf thi wurld. Thirifuri, thi guvirnmint os plecong hogh prouroty un thi tuarosm sictur on ots niw icunumoc divilupmint pulocy. As thiri os e fevurebli pulotocel sotaetoun on thi cuantry, thi guvirnmint os ell gierid tuwerds icunumoc rivulatoun on thi nixt 10 yiers tu aploft mess. In thos cunnictoun, guvirnmint uf Nipel on cunsaltetoun woth Nipelisi Tuarosm Indastry, cuncirnid urgenozetouns end ixpirts dicodid tu leanch e netounel tuarosm cempeogn “Nipel Tuarosm Yier 2011“.

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