Women Serving in the Military

1080 Words3 Pages

Throughout history war and fighting have always been seen as a strictly masculine endeavor, yet women have always been involved in one way or another. Whether tending to the sick, doing clerical or logistical-support jobs or disguised as men and fighting in the front lines, women throughout history have found ways to help serve and defend their homes and country. Women have always been considered the weaker sex and traditionally their place has always been in the home caring for the family, certainly not out defending the country. Over the last couple decades however, society has gradually become more comfortable with the idea of women serving in the military. There are about a dozen countries worldwide that have allowed women to serve in every position in their military, including combat and submarine units, for many years. Throughout our nations history women have played an important role in the military; however, it was not until recent years that they have been able to fully contribute to the military in all areas.
All throughout history there are examples showing that women are just as capable of hand-to-hand combat and leading an army as men are. In past centuries the most common occasion in which women would take part in battle was if their castle, homes, or towns were being attacked. In medieval times a women was expected to defend her home if her husband was not there. Noble women could even lead armies on to the battlefield both in local conflicts and on expeditions such as crusades. Presnell states in her book that, “Throughout history women have played a varied and vital role in warfare, despite the supposed limits of their gender” (301). Some of the most well documented and best known accounts of women fighting in...

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...to begin to work in a few positions on the front lines. Even though some people have their doubts, women are now able to serve in combat positions. In the next couple years’ women will be fully integrated into the U.S. Military.

Works Cited

Griffin, Rodman D. “What role should women play in the shrinking Military?”. Women in the Military. 25 Sept. 1992:841. CQ Researcher. Web. 30 Apr. 2014
McNulty, Shelly S. “Myth Busted: women are serving in combat positions”. Air Force
Law Review. 2012:119. Military and Intelligence Database Collection. Web. 29 Apr.
Parker, Kathleen. “Women in combat not the best idea for anyone”. The Jackson Sun. 28
Sept.2013:9. ProQuest. Web. 1 May 2014.
Presnell, Jenny. “ Women Warriors: A History” Library Journal. 15 Feb. 1997:146.
Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive. Web. 1 May 2014.

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