All India Manufacturer Manufacturers Organization: All India Manufacturers Organization

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ALL INDIA MANUFACTURERS' ORGANISATION All India Manufacturers' Organisation (AlMO) was founded by Dr. M. Visvesvaraya way back in 1941. 'Prosperity through Industry' is the motto of this organisation. It has its headquarters in Bombay and a network of offices throughout the country. The aim of AlMO is to promote economic development through sustained dialogue between trade and industry and Government agencies. The major objectives of the AlMO are as follows:
(i) Bring about rapid industrialisation of the country through sound and progressive policies. •
(ii) Help in increasing aggregate output in India.
(iii) Raise the standard of living of the people of India by utilising to the fullest possible extent all the available national resources and talents in the country. Play positive role in relieving the pressure of population on land.
Functioning of AIMO The AlMO offers several invaluable services to the members. Besides acting as a liasion agency between the manufacturers and the Government, it provides professional services to members in the areas of import-export, …show more content…

They bring with them some carryover effect from the past which signifies the existence of conflict between the labour and management. Though industrial peace and harmony - may be sought as an organisational objective, some conflict is inherent in the industrial structure. In fact, conflict is endemic to industrial society. Labour and management conflict exist in numerous ways in the course of their daily work. Conflict of interests of management and labour is the progeny of the capitalist form of economic organisation. But it is not only the sharing of the fruits of industry that generate conflicts; the very fact of the existence of the wide cleft of authority between the ''hands that produce" and the "hands that control" the means of production has become a major source of conflict between management and

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