William Blake's Life and Work

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William Blake is widely considered the most controversial writer of his time because of the content included in his writing and his expression of good versus evil that is apparent in his paintings. In my essay the “Proverbs of Hell” is a great and very telling example of Blake’s natural and flowing poetry. He is considered by most a great role model in the history of art and his writings during the Romanticism time period. Romanticism was a movement that was developed between the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Romantic poets such as Blake were against the political, social, and spiritual abuses during their time. “ He told his parents he visualized “Angels in a Tree” at the tender age of nine. He had been homeschooled up until the age of eleven and had been writing poetry since he was twelve, eventually being sent to a drawing school which set the foundation for his love of all arts (French 51-54). He worked as a professional artist and engraver, later suffering from an impoverished lifestyle. He was able to invision the afterlife of members of royalty. Due to the misunderstandings of his work people did not embrace him or it and unfortunately thought it was strange, bizarre, weird, and downright baffling. In a far contrast from his artistic side his personal life was considered bland and stale. He was politically rebellious and mixed with radicals of his time. Blake strongly and openly criticized how the capital and industrialized system abused its people, killed children, and forced prostitution. Blake openly and defiantly attacked the English church because of its beliefs and thought that the doctrines were a form of social and mental control meant to encourage people to be obedient and accept poverty which Bl...

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...he church he writes about how God is always there and will guide you to safety. He believed that children should stay innocent and pure. Blake did not get the attention he wanted when he was alive but eventually his work was noticed and he is now a historical role model when it comes to art and poetry.

Works Cited

Ohen, Lloyd.”George Zimmerman And Justice.” Commentary 134.3(2012): 8. Literary Reference Center.Web.15 Nov.2012.
French, David. “Conservatives And The Trayvon Martin Case.” Commentary 133.6(2012): 51-54. Lierary Reference Center. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.
Nichols, Peter. “George Zimmerman And Justice.” Commentary 134.3(2012): 8-9. Literary Reference Center. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.
Smolowe, JillTruesdell, JeffHelling, SteveKantor, Wendy GrossmanMorrissey, Siobhan.”A Fatal Encounter. (cover Story).” People 77.15(2012):60-64. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

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