Wicked Venom

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Her heart sunk with sorrow as he told her he had to leave her forever or receive a bite that would keep her living; but dead forever. The rancid venom will mysteriously spread right or wrong depending on the firmness of flesh. The article, “Our Bella, Ourselves” by Sarah Blackwood explains how young and middle aged women are unknowingly losing their identity to men who controlling drain the independency out of innocent women. Besides that, there are still women who fight battles with courageous values, allowing no one to defeat them. The question is whose been bitten, and become immune? “Women, like Bella Swan in the Twilight series wait, wonder, worry, and wallow for their imaginative boyfriends; or Bella’s Vampire boyfriend, Edward Cullen (Blackwood Par.7).” Without Edward’s appearance, Bella is a lost cause to herself and the world. The author’s voice speaks to women who are suffering from the loss of empowerment, or a venomous bite. The dramatic tone of the article causes a humorous view towards women who endure wicked venom, draining the powerful and womanly blood that flows through such vigorous veins. “Just as fainting, tears, and distress would not sicken people enough, the subject becomes even more uncomfortable for feminist (Blackwood Par.8).” The words marriage, sex, and baby make some people dolorous. Blackwood’s article, “Our Bella, Ourselves” discloses against young women facing challenges such as loss of empowerment and impurity; making an effective argument towards affectionate Twilight fans and readers who are experiencing evil venom. Furthermore, the lack of facts and more personal information makes the article less effective and more humorous towards a wide spread audience. Unrealistic love, desire, and virtue...

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...ot all women suffer the bite. Women who chose good desires will always remain more powerful. Imagine another influential series like Twilight, and how it will affect the world next. Will women become too empowered? Perhaps women will become the next blood suckers. Maybe in next series women will not be classified as the weakest link.

Works Cited

Blackwood, Sarah. "Our Bella, Ourselves | The Hairpin." The Hairpin - Ladies First. 16 Nov. 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. .

Squidoo. "Best Twilight Quotations." Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo. Squidoo, 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. .

Unknown Bite. "Arm, Bite, Bite Mark, Blood, Human Bite - Inspiring Picture on Favim.com."Most Inspiring Pictures and Photos » Favim.com. Unknown, 01 May 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. .

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