Why Students Need a High School Economics Course

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Several students claim, they are not fond of school. They want to take as few classes as they can to finish as fast as they can. The most common question a teacher will hear is “How will we use this in real life?” In most instances, students will not use a majority of the information they learned in school, in the ‘real world’, but they will have the information if the need arises nonetheless. Not everyone will use the quadratic equation every day, nor will they need to know the electronic configuration chart from memory. Despite that fact, something students will certainly need knowledge of every day for the rest of their lives is the nation’s economy and how it operates. The purpose of school is to give students the information they need, so they will not encounter a Sink or Swim scenario. Economics is a life jacket that will help students face the outside world and know how to handle its curve balls. Students need a high school economics course; it will help with the students’ potential goals and help them understand choices that will not only impact them, but the nation as a whole. For students, knowing how to handle their money is essential to their success. Students need to learn how to invest it to make it grow. For example, if a student wants to start a business one day, and 45% out of two thousand aspire to do so, will need to learn all the aspects of managing a business (Valerie J. Calderon, 2011). There are special standards that teachers have to cover when teaching a subject. There are many standards covered throughout an economics class, and there are many that can help make sure that the student is successful when they wish to start their business. The first subject is found in Standards 2.1 and 2.3 through 2.11, i... ... middle of paper ... ... side of the argument Students will need to know how the economy works. If it was up to the student to learn it on their own, it will most likely go unlearned. It must be taught when the mind is still developing new ideas and is mature enough to see both sides of arguments instead of blindly following the advice of a biased internet page. Students need to understand the world they live in. Not only will an Economics class prepare the student to face his future, he will understand how to mold it and make it his. Works Cited L. Obringer. (n.d.). How The Fed Works . Retrieved 4 24, 2014, from How Stuff Works: http://money.howstuffworks.com/fed.htm V. Calderon. (2011, 10 13). U.S. Students' Entrepreneurial Energy Waiting to Be Tapped. Retrieved 4 23, 2014, from Gallup: http://www.gallup.com/poll/150077/students-entrepreneurial-energy-waiting-tapped.aspx

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