Why People Should Laugh Every Day?

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Why people should laugh every day?

What makes people laugh? Well, many things. If I were to ask a person “What makes you laugh?” The person may respond by saying “Something that is funny.” What is considered “funny”, one may ask. Humor can be defined as a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement (Dictionary.com). People laugh at different kinds of things, for different reasons. A person can find laughter in humorous films, TV sitcoms, or friends’ anecdotes. Furthermore, laughter is quite important, it is associated with good health and wellbeing, and it is truly the best medicine and its benefits are far-ranging.

It is estimate, according to UNICEF an average adult laughs about fifteen times a day, and an average child laughs about 400 times a day. It seems as if people have forgotten about laughter, and how to laugh. I ask can you imagine life without laughter. I wouldn’t think of it.

First laughter is strong antidote for stress. It is no argument life can be quite hectic at times. No one’s life is free of troubles, people lives become occupied with things such as family, work, and school. Trying to balance factors of such can form stress, and with stress comes other illnesses like anxiety and depression. Here is where laughter can be helpful. It is said laughter has the ability to lower levels of stress hormones. When a person laughs endorphins are released placing the individual at ease. In the article “15 Ultimate Age Erasers,” psychologist and author of In Pursuit of Excellence Terry Orlick talks about how laughter can counteract stress. In addition, researchers at Loma Linda University state even, “the anticipation of a good laugh decreases the stress chemicals cortisol and epinephrine by 39 and 70 perc...

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...he Funny Thing About LAUGHTER." Time 165.3 (2005): A24-A29. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Nov. 2011.

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Smith, Melinda, Gina Kemp, and Jeanne Segal. "Laughter Is the Best Medicine: The Health Benefits of Humor." Helpguide.org: Expert, Ad-free Articles Help Empower You with Knowledge, Support & Hope. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

"15 Ultimate Age Erasers." Men's Health (10544836) 24.7 (2009): 134-137. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Nov. 2011.

"Reduce Stress - with Humor and Laughter." Sofs on HubPages. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. .

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