Why Maze Runner Deserve a Place in 10th Grade Reading List

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Why Maze Runner Deserve a Place in 10th Grade Reading List
Young adult fiction is a unique area in its own way, and one that incorporates forms of lives not common in society. The book, Maze Runner is a typical example of adult fiction in which the author presents scenarios involving various forms of life, which readers can learn from and apply to their own, as well. To begin with, by reading this book in class, students will not only learn about magic and terror, but also about sorrow, bravery, friendship as well as suffering in attempts to find redemption. Everything about this book is fictional but subsequent events from previous ones make things even more real. In the beginning, fiction is achieved when the main character, Thomas, wakes up in some metal box, but has no memory of the person he is, only remembering his name (Dashner 1).The place in which the boys live is covered in high wall and called the glade. Additionally, outside the maze are monsters called grievers, which can make a person undergo the process of ‘changing’ upon being stung. The fictitious nature of this book...

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