Why I Am an Excellent Candidate to Study Economics at Your University

572 Words2 Pages

I was born in Nigeria, and moved into the United Kingdom at the age of 15. The differences between both countries, in terms of culture, environment and economic strength are vast and being aware of these differences, have shaped my life and ambitions.
The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of economics and the act of international relations at a higher level. I am particularly interested in the behavior of firms and organisations from an economic point of view.
The prospect of working internationally, appeals to me as this will enable me fulfill my ambitions of working in different roles and in different countries. Reading and watching business news has given me the insight of how the economy works, and I also find how economist forecast fascinating.
I possess good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition, my mind is analytical and judgement sound; I have a strong personality to lead and not to follow by keeping those around me organised and on a proper track. A clever, an...

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