What’s Mainland Chinese Immigrants’ Life Like in the U.S.?

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What’s Mainland Chinese Immigrants’ Life Like in the U.S.? It was said by the Wall Street Journal that due to American uncertain economic resurgence, after three-year rapid growing, the amount of immigrants into the United States reduced in 2013. On the contrary, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the proportion of global immigration to America was actually growing from 1990 to 2013, and the population of Asian Americans grew about 46% in the last decade, which was faster than other race Americans (Hoeffel, Rastogi, Kim, and Shahid). About 23% of these Asian Americans are from China (Hoeffel et al.), and in China, there are an increasing number of Chinese tending to immigrate to the United States. However, there is little information they can find to look over the real life in America, so some of them are worried about the uncertain situation and wondering whether their life will be better or not after immigrating into America. Therefore, this essay is trying to sketch the life of current American immigrants from mainland China to help the future mainland Chinese immigrants who consider immigrating to the U.S. eliminate their anxiety. These future mainland Chinese immigrants need not to worry too much about their income but involve in politics as much as possible after immigrating into the United States. Chinese immigrants have lived in the United States for a long time, tracing back to the Gold Rush in the early 19th century. At that time, thousands of Chinese came and worked in agriculture, construction and other jobs with low wages due to the shortage of knowledge in other fields. When the American immigration policy was released for foreign people in 1965, the second flow of Chinese immigration emerged. As a minority group w... ... middle of paper ... ...with integrating, you will realize your life is getter better. Works Cited Hoeffel, Elizabeth M., Sonya Rastogi, Myoung Ouk Kim, and Hasan Shahid. The Asian Population: 2010. U.S. Census Bureau, Mar. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. Lien, Pei-te. “Pre-emigration socialization, transnational ties, and political participation across the pacific: a comparison among immigrants from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.” Journal of East Asian Studies 10.3 (2010): 453-82. Print. The Rise of Asian Americans. Pew Research Center, 19 Jun. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. Toyota, Tritia. Envisioning America: New Chinese Americans and the Politics of Belonging. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010. Print. Yang, Hengjun. Personal interview. 31 Mar. 2014. Zhao, Xiaojian. The New Chinese America: Class, Economy, and Social Hierarchy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2010. Print.

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