What´s Industrial Relations?

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Industrial Relations Industrial relations is a term that inspects the relationship between the employer and employees in the workplace. It also looks at the direct and indirect industrial relations system for governments, institutions and organizations for example. Industrial relations pursue a system that proves to produce minimal workplace disagreements, increase in incomes, environments created from mutual cooperation and goodwill, and the promotion of democracy through all levels of an organization. Some major benefits from an employer can help an organization if everyone cooperates. For example, if an employer consistently shows contributions to good industrial relations, produces high morale from employees and decreases pollution caused by waste from factories and technology. The theory goes that if the workplaces have good industrial relations then employees with feel more loyal and obliged to work for the benefit of an organization. If the industrial relations are bad then there will be friction between management and workers and will continue to grow until the work environment is potentially unfriendly and dysfunctional. Amongst these types of situations there are two different systems used to categorize what sort of conditions they fit into. The two are known as the state and national systems and both come with various laws and entitlements. A stakeholder can be an organization, person or group that is interested or concerned by the effects of organization actions, policies and objectives. For example, important stakeholders could be directors, employees, agencies, owners or community’s that draw resources from a business. Not all of these are the same; a company’s clients are allowed to practice fair trading but ar... ... middle of paper ... ...: https://www.fwc.gov.au/resolving-issues-disputes-and-dismissals/what-the-commission-does, Accessed 7th April 2014 ACTU Worksite, 2014, What is a Union? Available at: http://worksite.actu.org.au/what-is-a-union/ Assessed 7th April 2014 Fair Work Ombudsman, 2014, Legislation, Available at: http://www.fairwork.gov.au/about-us/legislation/pages/default.aspx Accessed 8th April 2014 Work Health and Safety Act 2012, 2013, Available at: http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/WORK%20HEALTH%20AND%20SAFETY%20ACT%202012/CURRENT/2012.40.UN.PDF Accessed 8th April 2014 Fair Work Commission, 2014, Awards and Agreements, Available at: https://www.fwc.gov.au/awards-and-agreements/awards Accessed 8th April 2014 Fair Work Commission, 2014, Minimum Wages and Conditions, Available at: https://www.fwc.gov.au/awards-and-agreements/minimum-wages-conditions, Accessed April 8th 2014

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