Help: What Is Help

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What is help? In my personal opinionated definition; I say help is a pathetic word used to make other people feel good about themselves. The saying: there is no such thing as a good deed comes to my mind. Everyone has a reason to helping others, they think it will give them good publicity or it will make them feel better for the pain and suffering they cause in the world. But does anyone ever help because it is simply out of good human nature, almost as if it were a reflex to help or say something nice? My paper is going to critically examine a personal situation where I needed help myself, and how my suffering went unnoticed for months.
We tend to focus on the people who show physical needs for help, if we see an elderly women …show more content…

When a crisis strikes everyone rushes to help and donate money because we think that is what they need, we create job ads so that people know we need their help in terms of employment. We are told and shown when to help someone, nothing is ever done from the goodness of our hearts because if that were the case we would all seem content even in the worst of situations. Relating it back to my situation, I would’ve been happy if I even had someone in my classes that wanted to talk to me every time I walked in, however everyone was more concerned with the latest ios software and drake song. I didn’t write help me on my forehead, therefore I wasn’t …show more content…

In relation to my story no one came to my rescue when I needed it, no one even noticed I needed to be rescued. I saw therapists and some teachers would even stop and talk to me after counsellors would inform them “to be calm around me,” so its not like we don’t have people in place to help. It is just the method they use for helping that needs to change because it really isn’t helping anyone but themselves. We help based on what we see and think we know, but we can never truly help a person unless we can understand what they have experienced. Help is a way to make money and publicity. If all the doctors (and other jobs that assist people medically) in the world were told that they weren’t being paid anymore to help save lives, how many of them would stay to volunteer? They would still have to go through all that schooling to gain some knowledge and they did it all just to help dedicate their time to helping those in critically need it, the number of doctors that would leave for a new profession would be

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