What Is Race: My Reflection

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I took the time today to read the article titled “What is Race” by Victor M. Fernandez, RN, BSN and found myself agreeably intrigued and in admiration of his thoughts regarding race. Victor touched on an extremely insightful and significant topic; one that most people have sturdy opinions about. Race – what is it? What does this mean to you? What does it mean to our upcoming careers in the nursing field? I trust that how we characterize and assess our awareness of race is due exclusively to how we were raised. I do not mean merely what we were taught from our family or culture about race, but to a certain extent how we have lived it, and how it has lived around us. “Race is a modern idea. Ancient societies, like the Greeks, did not divide people according to physical distinctions, but according to religion, status, class, even language” (PBS). I found this quote to be quite appealing; why did race become such a predicament in society?
“Despite our apparent differences, which are only skin deep, all humans around the world are biologically quite similar” (Fernandez). I highlighted and starred this sentence while reading his article because this is what I believe about race. Fundamentally are we not all are anatomically created equal on the inside, so why does the color of our epidermis have to be discriminated against?
I spent the majority of my childhood in southern California surrounded by a greatly Mexican populated culture, as well as in Portland Oregon where at my school I was almost the minority compared to the number of Asian and African American students who were my peers. I was raised not to see outwardly for whom a person is – but rather to see who they are inwardly. The color of their skin doesn’t matter rather the ma...

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...at that time. Would I keep quiet every time a racial slur was made? No, probably not, it would be dependent upon the situation I was in when the action took place. If I did speak up, I would first politely ask them to keep their opinions quiet. We are entitled to our own thoughts and opinions but we do not always need to express them for others to hear. I’m generally a very non-confrontational person, so if they continued to act out – I would probably remove myself from the situation or call for help if it was causing harm to someone else.

Works Cited

Dictionary.com. (n.d.) In Dictionary Online. http://dictionary.reference.com/. Ethnicity vs. Race. (n.d.) Diffen.com. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Ethnicity_vs_Race. Fernandez, V. (n.d.) What is Race?
PBS.org. (n.d.) In What Is Race? Is Race for Real.

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