What is Entrepreneirship?

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Entrepreneurship is a way of life for many people all over the world. This paper aims to present the topic of entrepreneurship and various factors around it. Therefore the term “Entrepreneurship” shall be defined, enterprises started by entrepreneurs shall be introduced and famous entrepreneurs shall also be presented. Though briefly, the topic of how to become an entrepreneur will be looked at. In addition, whilst attempting to do the former, this paper aims to provoke thought in its readers regarding the opportunities and possibilities that embarking in entrepreneurship can afford.


According to The Columbia Encycopedia (1993. pp 879), the word Entrepreneurship comes from French and means “one who undertakes, person who assumes the organization, management, and risks of a business enterprise”. Thereafter it provides a historical explanation of its usage. The Columbia Encycopedia (1993. pp 879) states;

It was first used as a technical economic term by the 18th century economist Richard Cantilon. To the classical economist of the late 18th century, the term meant an employer in the character of one who assumes the risk and management of business; an undertaker of economic enterprises, in contrast to the ordinary capitalist, who strictly speaking, merely owns an enterprise and may choose to take no part in its day-to-day operation. In practice, entrepreneurs were not differentiated from regular capitalists until the 19th cent., when their function developed into that of coordinators of processes necessary to large-scale industry and trade. Joseph C Schumpeter and other 20th- century economists considered the entrepreneur's competitive drive for innovation and imp...

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