What is Deep Ecology?

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“Ecology and spirituality are fundamentally connected, because deep ecological awareness, ultimately, is spiritual awareness” - Fritjof Capra
“Deep ecology” as a concept has grown since 1973, when it was propounded for the first time by Arne Naess, a Norwegian philosopher remarkably influenced by Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’. The concept has since then enriched and is also responsible for having split environmental movements across the globe. This division has also been the cause of dichotomy in the approaches towards understanding ecology. The first approach, that most of us are familiar with, deals with the study of the inter-relationships between organisms and their environment from the point of view of a detached observer. An observer, who is separate from the object of study and is focussed on measurable data that can be collected from ‘there’, or in other words from the study site. Deep ecology in contrast deals with experiencing ourselves as part of the living earth and finding our role in protecting the planet. The approach is more of an involved participant, who feels co...

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