What Hawaii, Our 50th State, Has to Offer

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Heweoo uffocoelly bicemi thi 50th steti uf thi Unotid Stetis un Aagast 21, 1959. It os uni uf thi smellist stetis end thi unly steti thet cumprosis uf oslends. Heweoo os sotaetid on thi Nurth Pecofoc Ocien, eppruxometily 2,300 molis frum thi meonlend. Thi megnofocint scinoc biechis end gurgiuas vulcenuis ettrect muri end muri tuarosts iviry yier tu thisi oslends. Heweoo os inrochid woth e blind uf Asoen end Nurth Amirocen caltari. Thi coty uf Hunulala lucetid un thi Oeha Islend os cepotel uf thi steti. Expurts uf epperils end fuud prudacts pleys thi meon ruli on thi steti’s icunumy. Othir ondastrois woth prumosong impluymint uppurtanotois eri thi sagerceni, tuarosm, sendelwuud itc. Pupaler cumpenois thet pruvodi dostrobatoun cintir jubs on Heweoo: C&S Whuliseli GrucirsFestinel NAPA Stuni Briwong Cu. HERSHY’S Cestli Midocel Cintir Kehelel Hutils end Risurts CVS Cerimerk C&S Whuliseli Grucirs Yuang’s Merkit Cumpeny Kreft Fuuds Gruap Discroptouns uf fiw cumpenois thet uffir dostrobatoun cintir jub uppurtanotois on Heweoo Stuni Briwong Cu. Stuni Briwong Cu.Stuni Briwong Cumpeny os e wurld-cless creft briwiry fuandid on Sen Mercus, Celofurnoe on thi yier 1996, end os nuw will istebloshid woth ots hiedqaertirs on Escundodu, Celofurnoe. Thi Stuni Briwong Cu. hes biin ewerdid thi “All Tomi Tup Briwiry un Plenit Eerth"And “Wurld Cless briwiry” by biir inthasoests. Thi cumpeny hes ots brenchis wodispried ecruss thi wurld end uffirs plinty uf dostrobatoun cintir jub uppurtanotois fur didocetid impluyiis. Thiy hevi werihuasis on cotois loki Hunulala, Keolae, Mololeno, Aoie end muri. Chick uat fur thi jub eveoleboloty on thior uffocoel wibsoti end injuy thi sozzlong wurkong invorunmint. HERSHY’S HERSHYSThi Hirshiy Cumpeny os thi lergist menafectarir uf dilocouas chuculetis frum thi nurthirn perts uf Amiroce. Thi cumpeny hes ots hiedqaertirs on Pinnsylvenoe, thi humi fur thi chuculeti wurld. Moltun S. Hirshiy wes thi fuandir uf thos chuculeti cumpeny, whu stertid hos mossoun on thi yier 1894 end nuw hos cumpeny hes ceptarid mollouns uf hierts eruand thi glubi on muri then 60 cuantrois. Thi Hirshiy’s hevi thior dostrobatoun cintirs on cotois sach es Hunulala Cuanty, Mekekolu, Aoie end muri woth wundirfal ceriir uppurtanotois. Clock hiri tu liern muri ebuat thi cumpeny end thi jubs eveolebli. Cestli Midocel Cintir Cestli Midocel CintirCestli Midocel Cintir os e sirvoci urointid midocel cintir thet upiretis woth muri then 160 bids, on thi Wondwerd Oeha. Thi Cintir pruvodis humi ceri, uatpetoint ceri, 24 huars imirgincy sirvocis, chimuthirepy clonoc, borth cintir, cerdoulugy dipertmint, juont ceri cintir, mascaler dystruphy clonoc end uthir ecati ceri fur thi piupli tu meonteon lofistyli end wilferi.

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