What Causes Delinquent Behavior

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It is hard for anyone to understand why people commit heinous crimes. We as human beings are all capable of committing or engaging in delinquent behavior. What stands in the way of a person that decides to engage in deviant behavior or to choose not to commit crimes at all. We may never truly know or understand the real reasons behind why certain people engage in delinquent behavior. Early philosophers and scientists studied the Criminal Justice System and the behavior of criminals using different forms of theories, which in turn, lead to the Classical School and the Positive School. We all use theories in our everyday life. We make assumptions about certain things, that in turn allow us to form a kind of theory or thought. We gather these assumptions very early on in life, by what we have been taught or have learned. Exactly what is a theory and how is it different form a hypothesis? A theory is a set of statements or principles that explain how two or more events are related to each other. A hypothesis is an explanation for an observation, or natural phenomenon that can be tested and retested for further investigation. Theories can be concrete or either abstract. Knowing that when you turn the knob on the fault water will come out or knowing that it might rain if you see clouds in the sky. These theories are relatively simple or concrete. Abstract theories are very difficult to apply to our reality. It is very difficult in testing the concept that the faster you travel the slower time gets. Theories on crime rates in a particular community and the different effects that it has on the different social structures are abstract. When you are conducting your research, there are two methods that you can use Quantitative and Qualita... ... middle of paper ... ...to a lifestyle. The more that parents become parents, not the best-friend, knowing what is going on with their child and who they are hanging out with, could possibly one day make that child not wanting or choosing to commit crimes In conclusion, we see that these great scientist and philosophers gathered their theories trying to explained why people engaged in delinquent behavior. Through studying these theories, we are able to analyze and critique the way they viewed criminals and how we can shape our Criminal Justice Systems to become more affective in dealing with criminals and their behavior. Another important note that we all have to understand is that no one theory will be able to take complete control over one or more views, because of this theories should be integrated together to form new and larger approaches to the problem that is before us today.

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