We Need to Talk About Kevin

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Selfish is defined as looking after one’s own desires, concerned with your own interests, needs and wishes while ignoring those of others (Encarta Dictionary).
Eva expressed some delight in having a child during a moment of reflection, Eva stated,
“Maybe my saying I wanted more “story” was all by way of alluding to the fact that I wanted someone else to love”. Eva also thought about how she would be able to share her travels with her children and how they might ask her questions and she could share stories about different countries.
Eva stated that becoming parents would have to be something that both she and Franklin agreed on, and they would have to make that decision together. It does not seem that she exhibited selfishness. It seems as though Eva struggled with the unseen sacrifices she would have to make as well as her desire to have someone else to love.
In the book, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child refers to a study that consisted of 2000 women. The area of study was concentrated on how they felt about their unborn child.
“The results of this study showed women who were looking forward to becoming mothers had children who were healthier on a physical as well as an emotional level than the children of mothers who were not looking forward to the experience. While the prenate does not have an understanding of feelings such as an adult does, the unborn child is able to sense even slight differences in emotions. (Ibid, pg. 18) Sensing and reacting to feelings of doubt and uncertainty as well as stronger emotions such as hate and love is possible and quite probable.”
Another study was done in Austria, by Dr. Gerhard Rottom, University of Salzburg, it consisted of...

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...way, he valued his mother and her accomplishments, but it was only expressed after he had killed that he verbalized it. When Eva broke his arm, Kevin protected his mother from the CPS and his father. He lied, but we don’t know for sure if was to protect her, or give him leverage over Eva.
No matter what, Kevin calculates the deaths of the teacher and the students. He methodically planned their murder. It is difficult to extend compassion to someone who was so detailed in how and when to kill. He killed a helpless eight year old and his father who invested so much of himself to him, and goes to school and continues to kill.
The emotion that wells up is sorrow, grief that cannot be measured, that a person would be so disconnected emotionally. You grieve their loss of humanity. Emotions that are experience are what make us human and not animals.

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