We Can Unite Our Country Under Terrorism as We Did During the Civil War

1396 Words3 Pages

Adored, hated, desired, and abused, the United States of America has celebrated 234 years of freedom. Since July 4, 1776, America has sought liberation from every oppression. Independence day was only the beginning in a victorious future of deliverance; however, every war threatens to scatter the unity of this powerful country. The Civil War was a deadly age in American history. When a foreign opposition threatens and terrorizes our unity, Americans can still face it together. Civil war automatically divides the strength of the country, lessening its ability to face the forces outside the borders. Attacks like September 11th are meant to crack the hard shell of America’s strength, forcing gaps between the people. Americans must focus on standing together, and when a comrade weakens or falls, helping him or her stand is an important part of keeping this unity.

Terror strikes a poisonous blow to any human facing homelessness. Economic stress is the result of any war, and every American faces this crisis to some degree. While the tension affects individuals, it is vital that people actively discern the fact that they are not alone. The banks may be under pressure financially, but the homeowners who pay them are also under incredible strain. Foreclosures are unnervingly common, worsening the economic stress on communities across America. In this time of crisis, people need all the help possible. Financial institutions have the power to organize and work with borrowers and lenders.

Resolving the foreclosure crisis requires changes for loan distribution and payment. When loans are determined for buyers, there should be a number of necessary requirements and limits to the system. The borrower should be qualified based on the n...

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... charge a penalty fee for foreclosing. This could be given only under circumstances that the owner made no effort to reach affordability, and any borrower would be told about the penalty price before taking the loan.

As terrifying as foreclosure is, there are possibilities to solve the crisis. Families, businesses, and individuals struggle to survive, but standing united will bring the unique strength that has brought fear, love, and dreams to people across the world. If Americans focus on themselves, they will not see the others who fall around them. Banks that need payment must reach out to the people who carry their business, and the borrowers who accept financial responsibility must reach out to the people who gave them opportunity. When banks and borrowers come together for resolution, families, businesses, and individuals can strengthen the entire nation.

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