The Vietnam War and Agent Orange

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The Vietnam War was between Capitalist United states and Communist North Vietnamese; the war began in 1964 and ended in 1975. The US joined the war to stop the spreading of communism. The US came up with the domino theory which was if Vietnam turned communist the surrounding countries would all fall to communism too. The war suffered around 2.3million casualties and was very significant in the long term and the short term. Some of the wars key events were; in 1960 when the Vietcong was formed, 1963 when Diem was overthrown, 1965 Operation rolling thunder begun, 1969 Ho Chi Minh died and in 1963 the cease-fire agreement was signed in Paris and the troops leave Vietnam. At the very beginning of the war China aided North Vietnam by sending material, technical support and rice. China also sent aircraft to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, rebuild roads and rail road’s, the Soviet Union also supplied North Vietnam with medical supplies, arms, tanks, planes, helicopters, artillery, anti-aircraft missiles as well as giving them 3,000 troops. South Korea helped South Vietnam by sending around 320,000 troops to help them, Australia also sent troops to fight for the Americans, and however they only sent about 7,500 troops. The war was significant internationally because so many different countries were offering to help in the form of money and weapons as well as troops.

The Vietnam War was the first major war to be shown on television, in America most of the information people had regarding the war was from news reports, newspapers and television. The information received was often biased and had little truth in it, peoples’ views and opinions were influenced a lot by the news because it was their only contact...

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...7,000,000 litres of the chemical over South Vietnam. When the Vietnamese people first started to complain these effects were due to Agent Orange, people didn't bother to investigate, in court they dismissed the Vietnamese people’s case because they said there wasn't enough evidence and their case wasn't very good. After American soldiers begun to complain they investigated and found there was a link between Agent Orange and deformities and in 1984 the US soldiers received about £93 million from several chemical companies. Because of Agent Orange there were about 400,000 deaths and disabilities and 500,000 children were born with birth defects. Not only did this chemical affect the people directly, but people worried that their food supplies/ animals had been poisoned. Till now the court case is still going on to get compensation for all the victims of Agent Orange.

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