Video Game Addiction and its Side Effects

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We all remember playing our very first video game. Mine was “Super Mario” on the NES console. We were intrigued to see characters move from one side of the screen to the next, from one world to another. It seemed to me like it was an art, with different designed backgrounds, colors and animations. However, not all of us notice when it is time to stop playing them. This is still a problem to this day; children do not know when to stop playing video games. The problem this causes us is the behavior towards the people close to us, like an illness that eats us from the inside, we just push them aside. But the bad habits are the least of the problems, because if you are spending too much time, you risk yourself in getting epileptic seizures, which puts your life in danger. Since all young gamers spend too much time playing video games, parents should be required to pay more attention how much their children spend time playing these games, and keep it more regulated on a daily basis. Addiction is a more relevant problem with the game industry. They offer achievements, prizes which make the players feel like they are winning something. This blinds them and forces them to spend more time, and try harder to win them all. But what happens when you win all achievements in one game? Of course that there are a lot of games, and each day a new one comes out, with its own set of achievements. This is like a never-ending cycle, get the achievements in one game, and go to the next. But online games offer different reasons. Since online games hold people from around the world, then that is like a game to see who is the best, as if it is a competition. People compete against each other trying to best their opponents. Why is it in the human nature t... ... middle of paper ... ... epilepsies. Retrieved from Brain website: Blank, A. (2010). Video Games Lead to Faster Decisions that are No Less Accurate: Rochester News. Retrieved from University of Rochester. Website: Kids and Teens with Autism Vulnerable to Video Game Addiction | Science News | Autism Speaks. (2013). Retrieved from Autism Speaks Inc. Website: Ophthalmology; action video games sharpen eyesight 20 %. (2007). Philys (2009, December 15). Epilepsy Stats and Facts | Retrieved November 18, 2013, from Study: Casual video games demonstrate significant ability to reduce depression and anxiety; clinical importance highlighted. (2011).

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