Values Portrayed in Popular Media

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While values portrayed in popular media can be educational and entertaining nevertheless the character traits of humility and submissiveness presented are based on the abilities and understanding of man. Harmless biblical parents may think, but of late some of these programs have a subliminal message that opposes Gods core values. Biblical parents should speak about biblical values in regards to what their children watch and hear because mainstream media erodes the values of humility and submission to society. The area of concern portrayed in popular media of family values should set off alarms in our hearts and souls as parents. Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917 – 2005) developed the bioecological theory of human development within the surrounding environment which he refers to as the ecosystems. People are not isolated units but are subjective to concepts of perception in “relation to their family and home, school, community, and society”. The relative influence the ecosystem has on the social and the behavior manners on the young developing child (Lang, 2005). Internal and external effectiveness of influences that engage the mental and emotional lives of developing children direct or indirect environmental surroundings. Therefore, biblical parents should comprehend the rationale that an equal percentage of raising and the training of children are done outside of the proximity of parenting authority. With the advancement of technology and equipment the Mainstream Media messages are easily attainable by the young. “The teen-age and adult models widely watched by children and youth on the media (TV, films, video games, CDs, and the internet) continue to emphasize commercialism, sexuality, substance abuse, and violence. T... ... middle of paper ... ...calling to the Lord for the wisdom He has poured out upon them in their youth. (D Herd, 2009) Works Cited Baird, S. (1998). If schools want to teach values, they have to talk about media. National Catholic Reporter, 34(40), 14. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1999, June 1). Growing Chaos in the Lives of Children Youth and Families: How Can We Turn It Around? Text.Article, . Retrieved June 25, 2011, from Herd, D.. (2009). Changing images of violence in Rap music lynics: 1979-1997. Journal of Public Health, 30(4), 395-406. Retrieved June 26, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1926642381). Sharon Bohling. (2001, April 15). TURN OFF THOSE TELEVISION SETS. The Post - Tribune, B.6. Susan S Lang. (2005). Renowned Bioecologist Addresses the Future of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Human Ecology, 32(3), 24.

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