Use of Symbols in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

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Many great authors use symbolism numerous of time in their stories. A symbol is a noun or word that represents a different idea. An author displays the symbols as a hit rather than blurting it out. Symbols are not only used in novels or poems, they are also used in everyday use. For an example, the American flag has fifty stars on it which each star represents a state. On the other hand, the thirteen stripes plays the part of our thirteen colonies; the beginning of our country. Even with our high school, a tiger pawl represents us as a fighting tiger that will strive to do what’s right, and to show our strength against our greatest rivals.
In the short story “The Lottery” there was a village that practice an ancient sacrificial killing for something in return from the gods. In this case, what the villagers received in return were well grown crops for food. The whole village would gather up once a year to have a traditional sacrifice they called The Lottery. The villagers would have their kids choose out stones for the village. Once they are all together with the stones collected, they have a member from each family to choose a white paper from a black box. After a family is chosen, the members within the family have to be chosen to be the sacrifice for the village. The way that knew that they were chosen was a black dot in the middle of the paper. The chosen one well be stoned to death by everyone in the village; yes even the children.

In “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, she uses a manifold of symbol to represent an idea and to have a deeper meaning to each noun in the story. Some of the nouns s...

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... well grown harvest.
Lastly the way they have the sacrifice is stoning the individual that was chosen. “The stone symbolize death” (lentz) That’s what all the kids gathered for the killing. They all grabbed stones the adults, the teens, even the kids. They all throw the stones to make the sacrifice
Shirley Jackson used all of these great amounts of symbols to show a deeper meaning to the short story.

Works Cited

123HelpMe.”Names in Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’.” 123helpme,nc.,n.d.17 Mar 2014.
Ma, Martine.”Literary Analysis Essay: ‘The Lottery’ by Shirley Jackson. “word press.n.p.,10 Jun 2013. Web. 17 Mar 2014.
Sparknotes editors .”’The Lottery’ themed, motifs, and symbols. “sparknotes. BAN, Inc. n.d web. 17 Mar 2014.
ParateTeacher and lentz.”what are symbols in ‘The Lottery’ by Shirley Jackson.” Enotes.enotes, Inc. 10 Nov 2011 and 19 Sep 2012. Web. 17 Mar 2014.

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