Use of Health Information Systems for Financial and Clinical Management

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A Health Information System, (HIS), is defined as a “set of components and procedures organized with the objective of generating information which will improve” financial and clinical management for hospitals and medical practices. (Lippeveld, Sauerborn, and Bodart 2000). The HIS is crucial to the development of hospital and medical practices for the purposes of strategic planning, problem-solving, decision support, and executive information systems with which health service managers and clinicians are deeply involved. There are two major divisions that contribute to the functionality of the HIS, the Financial Information Systems and the Clinical Decision Support System. The combination of these systems has allowed for the advancement of the healthcare community in its compilation of data as well as its financial well-being. Due to the current financial status of the United States, as well as with the passage of ObamaCare, the shrinking budgets of health care facilities have compelled them to adopt stringent accountability measures. These measures were undertaken by the Financial Information Systems, (FIS), which provides information on both acquisition and allocation of funds in the hospital and medical practice setting. The FIS allows comparisons of success and failure in providing health care services cost effectively. The FIS will calculate for the health care facility the statement of income and expenses, and the balance sheet, thus allowing for proper algorithms for the acquisition and introduction of material within the facility. For example, in a hospital emergency room the FIS will calculate how many patients come in to the hospital with the diagnosis of a pneumothorax (air-trapped in the lung). By allowing for thi... ... middle of paper ... ... antibiogram for proper antibiotic coverage for the different organisms, provide the most common adverse events seen with the therapies provided thus allowing the physician to have a tool for proper treatment with each consecutive case. With the advancement of technology the Health Information Systems customizes and integrates an increasing amount of information, which has allowed for each healthcare facility to function more efficiently. HIS, has decreased the cost of healthcare as well as the percentage of misdiagnosis. Furthermore, taking the pressure off physicians with easier access to medical records and relieving a strain on the healthcare system as a whole for the price tag that is placed on it. With a growing technology sector, the HIS will further expand which will allow the healthcare community to pay more attention to the real issue, patient’s health.

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