The United States' Entry Into World War 1

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“The world must be safe for democracy.” This quote, made famous by Woodrow Wilson, was spoken to congress about the United States’ involvement in World War I. This was said because Wilson believed that Germany’s militarism threatened democracy everywhere and in order for Germany to be stopped, the United States must enter the War. However, Wilson and the US were not too eager to enter the war when it started; in fact, it took the United States three years to enter the war! (Feldmeth) So the question for many is, why did the US wait so long and what eventually made the US get involved in this global conflict?

On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated cite. Shortly after, Germany declared war on Russia and France. This caused huge turmoil around the world as the nations aligned for war. Countries around the world soon picked sides; however, the United States would not be involved. Reflecting upon strong public opinion, Woodrow Wilson declared strict neutrality other than providing material assistance to the allies. (United) The reasons for the United States’ neutrality were; Washington’s Farewell Address, the Monroe Doctrine, and the fact that Wilson and the United States public had a strong belief of pacifism for this war. When George Washington made his farewell address in 1796, he stressed that the United States should

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stay out of foreign affairs (Washington’s) Washington believed that believed that foreign affairs were

insidious and that they were one of woes in the government. (Washington’s) Washington believed that Europe’s interests and international quarrels belonged to Europe, and that it would be unwise to implicate our country in those foreign struggles. (Washington’s) These words stayed ...

... middle of paper ... telegram.

In conclusion, when World War I began in 1914, the United States declared neutrality; however, in 1917 they broke neutrality and declared war. The question for many is, why did the US wait so long and what eventually made the US get involved in this global conflict? The reasons for the United State’s neutrality were George Washington’s Farewell Address, the Monroe Doctrine and the strong belief of pacifism on the war around the United States. After the events of the unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Zimmerman telegram, the United States broke its neutrality. In 1917 Woodrow Wilson said “The world must be safe for democracy.” This quote meant that in order to maintain democracy around the world, all threats to democracy must be ceased. During World War I Germany was a threat to democracy so the United States broke its neutrality and stopped it.

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