Unitarian Universalism

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Origin and History:

The Unitarian Universalist denomination, as it name suggests, believes in the unitary nature of God. Unlike most Christian sects, it rejects the concept of the trinity or the idea that God consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although the modern Unitarian Universalist Association was founded in 1961, the denomination has a long history in America. Unitarians distinguished themselves from other religious groups early in their history, because they believed in universal salvation, in contrast to the Calvinists who believed in the possibility of salvation for only a small, elect group of people.

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) unifies two religious movements, that of Unitarianism (believers in the unity of God) and Universalists (believers in universal salvation).The idea of a ‘unitary’ Christian God has origins back to the Christian early fathers. Origen of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa advocated the idea of a singular godhead, although the Council of Nicaea declared the idea to be heresy in 325 BCE. (Unitarian Universalism)

Another early advocate of Unitarianism, Michael Servetus was martyred in 1553 during the Reformation

“for his criticism of the doctrine of the trinity and his opposition to infant baptism… Servetus rejected the doctrine of original sin and the entire theory of salvation based upon it, including the doctrines of Christ's dual nature and the vicarious atonement effected by his death. He believed Jesus had one nature, at once fully human and divine, and that Jesus was not another being of the godhead separate from the Father, but God come to earth. Other human beings, touched by Christian grace, could overcome sin and themselves become progressively divine” (Hughes)


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...alism in America, A Documentary History. Boston: Beacon Press, 1971.

Hughes, Peter. "Michael Servetus" Unitarian Universalist Historical Society (UUHS). n.d. 30 March 2011 .

Mendelshon, Jack. "Meet the Unitarian Universalist: Religious Freedom." Boston: UUA, 1997.

Raible, Christopher Gist. "What is a Unitarian Univeralist?" n.d. 7 April 2011 .

"Unitarian Universalism." 2011. Religion Facts. 30 March 2011 .

"UUA." n.d. Unitarian Universalist Association Congregation. 30 March 2011 .

Wilson, Susan. "150 Years of Independent Publishing." 2004. Beacon Press. 13 April 2011 .

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