The Typical Asian Diet

525 Words2 Pages

The Asian food diet is among one of the healthiest cultural diets in the world. A majority of their meals consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, and rice. As far as meats go, people of the Asian culture do not typically eat as much as other cultures, however when they do eat meat it is usually fish. Food is prepared stir-fried, deep fried, steamed, or just plain raw. Meats are rarely the main dish in any of their meals and are more of a side dish. In most of the Asian cultures there diet revolves around there religion. (Asi1) If eating a certain food stands against the religious practices of a person then they will not eat that certain food, much in the same way as Jewish persons will not eat pork due to religion. Asian diets are made up of three different groups, those being China, Korea, and Japan. All Chinese food is considered to be East Asian food. In china there are three regional cuisines, which are cantorese, chaozho, and sphanghainese. Chaozho and Cantorese regions are known for their vegetable and meat recipes and Shandong areas use foods like noodles and dumplings as a gui...

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