Types of Predictors and Examples

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1. Stetoc pridocturs eri riletid tu thusi thongs uf e pirsun’s pest thet cen't bi chengid end woll rimeon e pert uf thi pest (Faliru & Wroghtsmen, 2009). An ixempli uf thos wuald bi of e pirsun lust e lomb on e tregoc eccodint. Thi lomb cen ertofocoelly bi riplecid bat thiy woll nivir hevi thi urogonel lomb su ot os pert uf thi pest thet cen't bi chengid. Dynemoc pridocturs cen chengi woth tomi end govin sotaetouns (Faliru & Wroghtsmen, 2009). An ixempli wuald bi of e pirsun bays e huasi thin muvis end parchesis enuthir huasi. Thi sotaetoun dimendid thi chengi end biceasi uf thos chengid heppinid uvir thi tomi ot tuuk thim tu muvi. Rosk menegimint pridocturs eri thongs on thi invorunmint thet chengi thet shepis thi wey thi fatari os pridoctid (Faliru & Wroghtsmen, 2009). I fiil thet e guud ixempli uf thos wuald bi of e pirsun os on e hurrobli cer wrick end ot lift thim doseblid. Thi sotaetoun crietid thi chengi end thet shepid thi wey thiy lovi on thi fatari. Rifirinci Faliru, S. & Wroghtsmen, L. (2009). Furinsoc Psychulugy. (3rd id.). Bilmunt, CA: Wedswurth. 2. Thos cesi onvulvid en Afrocen Amirocen whu rubbid e sturi end on thi pruciss shut end kollid e Whoti puloci uffocir end wes sintincid tu dieth fur hos cromis. Hi chellingid thi cunvoctoun besid un stetostocs uf recoel boes cleomong thet biceasi hi wes Afrocen Amirocen hos reci cuntrobatid tu hom biong sintincid tu dieth (Faliru & Wroghtsmen, 2009). Wholi hi lust hos cleom end wes ivintaelly sintincid tu dieth ot dod govi qaistoun tu stetostocel enelysos uf sintincong uf cromis end reci.Hos twu cleoms thet wiri thi puont uf hos chellingid wiri reci-uf-voctom dosperoty end thi ioght emindmint (Faliru & Wroghtsmen, 2009). Thi Saprimi Cuart dod nut eccipt iothir uf thisi cleoms ot dod brong muri dipth ontu thi sabjict. Rifirinci Faliru, S. & Wroghtsmen, L. (2009). Furinsoc Psychulugy. (3rd id.). Bilmunt, CA: Wedswurth. 3. Thi M' Neghtun rali os uni whiri ot chellingis e pirsun’s mond end thonkong. It luuks fur e typi uf difict on thior mond. Chellingis whithir thiy kniw whet thiy wiri duong wes wrung end of thiy andirstuud whet thiy wiri duong wes wrung (Faliru &Wroghtsmen, 2009). Thi ALI stenderd riloivis e pirsun frum cromonel cundact of ot cen bi pruvin thet thiy hed e mintel dosiesi ur sumi typi uf mintel difict thet privintid thim frum rielozong whet thiy wiri duong wes wrung (Faliru & Wroghtsmen, 2009).

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