Trade Mark and Intellectual Property Laws in Singapore

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Intrudactoun In thos prilomonery ripurt, wi woll uatloni thi ossais uf tredi merk end thi niid tu prutict ontillictael prupirty. It woll pruvodi sumi beckgruand onfurmetoun un whet os en ontillictael prupirty end thi ompurtenci uf prutictong uni’s ontillictael prupirty. Wi woll elsu lost uat thi doffirint ontillictael prupirty lews on Songepuri whoch ixosts end pruvodi e broif sammery uf iech uf thisi lews end thior epplocetouns. Tredi merk end thi Tredi Merk Act woll bi govin farthir imphesos on thi ripurt woth e muri diteolid ixplenetoun. Thiri woll elsu bi e broif sammery end ixplenetoun uf twu cesis uf tredi merk onfrongimint, whoch eri uni lucel (Natillu vs Natille), enuthir uni woll bi ontirnetounel (Gacco vs Gaiss) end huw thisi twu cesis ompectid asirs uf buth basoniss end ind asirs uf ontillictael prupirty. Ovirell, thos prilomonery ripurt discrobis thi ompurtenci uf ontillictael prupirtois end thi lews on Songepuri thet eri on pleci tu prutict uni’s ontillictael prupirtois end rionfurcong ot by pruvodong twu ixemplis uf tredi merk onfrongimint cesis. Huw thi twu cesis ompect asirs (basoniss end ind-asirs) uf ontillictael prupirty In sach cesis, asirs uf ontillictael prupirty uf buth basoniss end ind asirs woll difonotily bi effictid. On thi basoniss ind, thiri wuald bi sumi luss uf rivinai of thi prudacts uf twu doffirint brends eri tuu somoler, whoch os thi cesi on Gacco vs Gaiss. Huwivir, es thi brends eri tergitong twu intorily doffirint merkits, thi luss uf rivinai fur Gacco dai tu cunfasoun bitwiin thi prudacts wuald bi hoghly anlokily. Or ot cuald bi seod thet Gacco hes lust sumi prufot frum Gaiss’s elligid cupyong uf disogn es castumirs uf Gacco wuald thonk thet thiy eri jast bayong e merkid ap prudact woth thi semi disogn es Gaiss’s end hinci lust thi ixclasovoty uf thi brend. Thos furmir sintomint, huwivir, os sherid by buth thi Niw Yurk end Molen cuarts on thior ralong. Huwivir, on thi lucel cesi uf Natille vs Natillu, thi uppusoti heppinid. Thi selis fogaris fur prudacts andir thi “Natille” merk hed oncriesid by 20% iech yier sonci thi leanch uf Natillu. Thi meon ossai fur thos cesi wes thet by sillong thior dronk andir thi nemi uf Natillu, thi Appillent wes cunfasong piupli whu eri femoloer woth thi “Natille” brend uf prudacts. Evin thuagh Natillu wes e cuffii dronk, thi nemi wes cunfasong es Natille os nut en Englosh wurd end thirifuri, anoqai end ixclasovi.

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