Żegota Essays

  • Irena Sendler: A Forgotten Heroine

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    able to legally enter Warsaw (par. 7). Going into the Ghetto every day, she managed to take food, medication, and other necessities to the Jews trapped inside (par. 7). Irena Sendler, however, also had a secret business of employment. She was part of Zegota, an underground organization in Poland (Snopes, par. 7). This secretive part of her life began in 1942, when it became known to Sendler that the Nazis were up to no good (par. 7). Some of Irena Sendler’s greatest tools were her disguises. She utilized

  • Rescuers During The Holocaust

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    funds, food and medication, and made sure that the children were well cared for. One of the operations that started in September of 1942 was located in Poland. The operation was known as the Zegota. The Zegota was a Polish underground organization who provided for the social needs of the Jews. ”...The Zegota operation gave a little amount of weapons and ammunition to the fighters who were fighting to save the Jews from the Germans, in Warsaw …” (www.ushmn.org). Several fighters left their families

  • Essay On Irena Sendler

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    Once inside she was able to make contact with members of the Jewish welfare organization. Her assistance began with creating false documents which helped Jewish families (Women of Valor). From this she moved on to work with the Children’s Division of Zegota, where she quickly took charge in the

  • Essay On Irena Sendler

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    During the Holocaust, many resistance groups helped free and provide food, clothing, medicine, and homes for victims, primarily Jewish ones. Having grown up near Warsaw, Poland and having seen the effects antisemitism had on Jews, Irena Sendler, a social worker, became a part of one of these groups. By the end of World War II, Irena had aided in the freeing of over 2,500 children. In order to fully understand Irena Sendler’s courageous acts, one must first understand the events that inspired her

  • Irena Sendler Hero

    759 Words  | 2 Pages

    Before she joined Zegota, she made 3,000 false documents to help Jewish families escape (The Irena Sendler Project). By noticing the problems ahead of her, she wanted to make real change. By joining Children Division of Zegota as a main activist, Sendler accomplished more with the organization. As a leader, the council helped thousands of Jews by paying for medical bills

  • The Zookeeper's Wife Essay

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    making her feel useless. Although things start to look up again when when he does something he’s never done before, compliment her in public. Anthonina shows her resolve when it comes to sweet talking Nazi soldiers and turning them away. Working with Żegota the zookeepers acquire fake identities for the refugees to smuggle them to safety. In 1943 Ryś is hospitalized with pneumonia, and as if this didn’t add enough stress the director for Parks and Gardens orders Jan to be fired. But the Polish Vice-President

  • The Zookeeper's Wife Analysis

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    The Zegota are loyal to "rescue, not sabotage or fighting, and, as such, it was the only organization of its kind occupied in Europe during the time of the war." Jan and Antonia become a part of Zegota and help save many Jews which of course become guests in their zoo. The zoo soon becomes home to a Nazi fur farm where they raise foxes and other animals

  • Why Did Anti-Semitism Start?

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    babies from death camps and people celebrate a holiday but she was arrested in October 1943 and taken to Gestapo headquarters where she was beaten. Her legs and feet were broken and she was driven away to be executed. But until a ransom paid by Zegota for her release. She was unconscious when ¨they¨ left her by the roadside. She has to use crutches because of her

  • Irena Sendlerowa Thesis

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    knew the names and addresses of the families sheltering the Jewish children, she withstood the torture, that crippled her for life, refusing to betray any of the Jewish children in hiding. Sentenced to death, Irena was saved at the last minute when Zegota members bribed one of the Gestapo agents to halt the execution. She escaped from prison but for the rest of the war she was pursued by the Nazis ( http://myhero.com ). This shows that even tho she was close to death she still continued to do what

  • Irena Sendler: A Hero Of The Holocaust

    751 Words  | 2 Pages

    There were many people that helped stopped the Holocaust come to a slow end. One of those people being Irena Sendler. Irena Sendler was a person who saved at least 2500 people and wasn’t known for it until many many years after the Holocaust. She put her life in risk in order to save others and this makes her a hero because it shows her courage, hope, and inspiration. Irena Sendler was a Polish nurse who saved the lives of many in the Holocaust. She was born on February 15 in the year of 1910. Her

  • An Essay On Irena Sendler

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    Irena Sendler was born February 10, 1910. She was a nurse in her young life. Irena was first married to Mieczyslaw Sendler. She later remarried to Stefan Zgrzembski. She had three children. Their names are Janina, Adam, and Andrzej Zgrzembski. Irena was also a Polish social worker when the Nazis invaded. Her maiden name was Irena Krzyzanowska. Irena named her daughter, Janina Zgrzembski, after her mother. Her mother Janina Krzyzanowska was married to her father, Stanislaw Krzyzanowska. Her father

  • Courage In The Book Thief

    1175 Words  | 3 Pages

    "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. Courage is strength in the face of pain or grief. Throughout the course of World War 2, there were many people who acted in a courageous manner, as portrayed by Markus Zusak in his novel 'The Book Thief'. Weather it was putting their entire life on the line just to save some strangers from possible torture, hiding illegal people in their own houses with the possibility