World Chess Championship Essays

  • How Cold War Tensions Affected the 1972 World Chess Championship

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    Chess in the Cold War How did Cold War tensions affect the 1972 World Chess Championship? Section A: Plan of the Investigation Through much of the 20th Century, the Cold War (mid 1940’s – early 1990’s) created a state of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. This tension was sustained through various fronts, such as the nuclear arms race, the space race, and political and military conflicts. This investigation assesses these Cold War tensions as perpetuated

  • Bobby Fischer Goes To War Analysis

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    the best American-born chess player, Bobby Fischer, compete against the best Russian-born chess player, Boris Spassky, resembles World War II, where people risk their lives to fight for their nation. Bobby Fischer Goes to War, a nonfiction story by David Edmonds and John Eidinow, is about Bobby, who is put to a challenge of competing against Boris Spassky, and will face many challenges throughout the story.The two legends were impossible to be cornered, but soon the world will know who really the

  • News Report of the Chess Match of Anand Aganist Carlsen

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    in the FIDE World Chess Championship Match that was recently held in Chennai. The final scoreline read Carlsen-6.5 : Anand-3.5. Carlsen won 3 games and 7 games were drawn. Anand couldn’t muster a single victory. But these statistics do not in any way capture the true persona of the legend that is Vishwanathan Anand. “I am very sad that Anand lost today. He is my Favourite,” says 13 year old Nikhil, a budding chess player who has come to Chennai to watch the World Chess Championship Match between

  • Becoming A Grandmaster In Malcom Gladwell's 'Outliers'

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    somewhat normal social life. My primary aim has not yet been accomplished, but my chess understanding has improved significantly. I have progressed from a“Class E”to an“Expert”level player, but not without a few lessons learned along the way. Over the past four years I have asked myself, how do great chess players really become great? Malcom Gladwell's“Outliers”responded with the answer: the 10,000 hour rule. As a chess player, I am reminded that even Bobby Fisher

  • Deep Blue Essay

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    processing power and are thus difficult to be outperformed in the highly thoughtful game of chess by mere humans. On the other hand, there are also some who still have utter faith in the unimaginable power of human brain. After giving me necessary directions for moving forward in my quest to find the limits of a human’s brain against that of the supercomputer’s CPU(the central processing unit), my high school’s chess teacher,

  • Smarter than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better by Clive Thompson

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    how in 1997 world chess champion Garry Kasparov was beaten by Deep Blue, an I.B.M. supercomputer. This was a considered a milestone in artificial intelligence. If a computer could easily defeat a chess champion, what would happen to the game and its players? A year after Kasparov was defeated by the program he decided to see what would happen when a computer and person were paired up. He called this collaboration the centaur; A hybrid consisting of the algorithms and history logs of chess as well as

  • mind vs machine

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    reached the point where we must redefine what constitutes reason in the 21st century. On the intellectual battlefield, in February 1996, thirty-two chess pieces, represented the most recent challenge to the belief that thought is exclusive to humans. Kasparov, the world chess champion, faced off against one of IBM's finest supercomputers, Deep Blue. Chess, a game of logic and reason, would be a perfect test of a computer's ability to "think." In the Information Age battle of David vs. Goliath, the machine

  • Volunteering At Chess Without Borders

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    Director of Volunteering at Chess Without Borders, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to combine chess education with service and philanthropy. I met Nabeel when he was attending his elementary school’s chess club in Barrington, IL. At the time, he was being held back in school and was struggling with a speech impediment, but chess provided a haven for him to develop strengths in other areas (problem solving, strategy etc.) that required non-verbal skills. Chess is really what brought him back

  • Stereotyping the Mentally Disabled in the World Wrestling Federation

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    Stereotyping the Mentally Disabled in the World Wrestling Federation The ongoing misperception of the mentally ill/disabled, has led me to research the topic in further depth. Since many people don't come in contact with the mentally ill/disabled, where do they get their beliefs or understandings? The bulk of perceiving the mentally ill/disabled comes through stereotyping, and all the outside influences that generate ones beliefs. Besides the fact that some people are a little slower or have a

  • Review of WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2009

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    on upside to get the briefcase. Sometimes the players win a golden belt in the game. All the game is played in America the players have a great love for their country. It is very good ability of the players. There are many fans of Wrestling in the world. This game is the good news for these fans that they play the wrestling on their computers.

  • A Student Compares Websites on Rally Racing

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    A Student Compares Websites on Rally Racing The sport of rallying is fast becoming popular around the world. With races taking place on countries around the world, the internet is an invaluable resource to fans around the globe. The official site of the World Rally Championship (WRC) can be found at There are other unofficial sites such as,, and All three of these sites provide information regarding the many races, drivers, and teams. Although

  • Personal Narrative Essay: My Personal Experience In The 5th Grade

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    something reckless would have to be when I was in the 5th grade. The 5th grade was an interesting year as it was the year I started to experiment with my lifestyle and try new things. This was a the time in my life I was really into WWE, also known as World Wrestling Entertainment. I lived to see the Friday Night Smackdown special fight every friday, and sometimes I pretend I was my favored high flyer werster at the time; Jeff Hardy. His character on WWE was one I adored. Women loved him, men wanted to

  • Toyota Case Study Analysis

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    Finance segment is engaged in financial services related to its products sales. The other segment is involved in the design, manufacture and sale of housings, information and communication business. In 2013, it consisted of 333,498 employees across the world and as of Nov 2014, Toyota is positioned as world’s 12th largest company based on the revenue.

  • Ford and Toyota: Who Has the Advantage?

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    companies’ background to see if they were advancing with technology as well as safety. I selected these companies also to see which has had the most recalls. Background of Companies Ford Motor Company is the largest automotive manufactures in the world. Ford became an official business on June 16, 1903 it was founded by Henry Ford. It is located in Dearborn, Michigan; it also operates throughout the United States and Europe. The company’s website is Ford employs over 175,000

  • 3 Reasons Why TNA Wrestling could go out of business like WCW

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    WWE (then WWF) on a national level. These companies contained the Bill Watts owned UWF, Verne Gagnes AWA and the renowned NWA. None of which had the resources nor the business acumen to match McMahon. In the 90's, the Turner owned enterprise World Championship Wrestling, fathered a viable foe to the WWE. During its peak, WCW was outdrawing the WWE at house shows and conquering them every week in the Monday Night War ratings. However, as the 90's closed, so did WCW. Spear-headed by "Stone Cold" Steve

  • Compare And Contrast Vince Mcmahon And Ted Turner

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    with the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network he helped to bring “Smackdown Your Vote!” to those ages 18-30 in an effort to get them registered to cast their votes in the 2004 presidential election, “McMahon said the two groups are forming a "tag team championship combination to go out and find these new people, sign them up and get them to vote."” (AP) 3Vince McMahon knows how to get what he wants, his business sense is incomparable, when he took the reins of the WWF, knew that he must shift the focus of

  • WWF as a Business

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    wrestling has garnered the attention of the public. However, no one has capitalized on this sport’s entertainment value more than the World Wrestling Federation and Vince McMahon Jr. Vince McMahon Jr. acquired the WWF from his father Vice McMahon Sr. in 1982. Vince McMahon Jr.’s succession brought along freshness, flare, success, and much controversy to the world of professional wrestling. Before McMahon’s takeover of his father’s company, professional wrestling had various territories across the

  • Mid Titles

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    the longest United States championship reign since the WWE reactivated the title (the third longest reign in the history of that title) and sadly defended it only 13 times, dropping the title this past Monday to Sheamus in a battle royal. Wade"Bad News"Barrett captured his fourth Intercontinental Championship this past Sunday at Extreme Rules but what will make this run any different than his previous three? With people beginning to call for the merger of these championships I had to ask myself "Would

  • I Enjoy Public Speaking

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    was interviewed for a few moments by WMUR and later by the Keene Sentinel. After the media finished with us, I met various supporters of Mrs. Dole's. They were all happy to meet me and flooded me with questions and praise. I truly felt on top of the world. From that day on, public speaking became my life.

  • The Power of the Voice

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    throughout the country. As a non-pro... ... middle of paper ... ... some great stuff, but it teaches you a lot about the world; such as history, current events and philosophy. Without debate, I would never have known that Frank B. Wilderson is a great figure in fighting modern racism or that capitalism had so many flaws. Imagine how great it would be if everyone in the world knew how to publicly speak or debate over controversial topics; such as racism and capitalism (and not just go fight all the