Winter Palace Essays

  • The Meaning of Bloody Sunday

    1182 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Meaning of Bloody Sunday Bloody Sunday was an incident of January 22, 1905 where unarmed demonstrators marched to the Winter Palace present a petition to the Czar. They were gunned down by Imperial guards in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by Father Gapon, a paid agent provocateur of the Okhranka, the Czarist internal secret police. Father George Gapon founded the Assembly of Russian Factory and Plant Workers, an authorized and police-sponsored organization designed to

  • Bloody Sunday

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    Leading up to Russia’s Bloody Sunday of 1905, the tsars had begun to reform Russia in an era known as the Age of Modernization. The reforms of this age set up the unrest of the masses leading to the event known as Bloody Sunday, the beginning of the failed Russian Revolution of 1905. These reforms brought with them poorer conditions for the already neglected working class, bringing on additional problems to the economic and social rut Russia found itself in due to the ongoing war with Japan in the

  • Creative Writing: The Kingdom Of Veritas

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    island, the Kingdom of Veritas was a pure display of wonder and glory matched by the backdrop of clear blue skies and a sun that always shined brightly during the day without ever letting a single cloud conceal it. Even when it rained or snowed in the winter, the snowflakes melted in one's mouth and the rain felt cool and soothing. Lovely buildings both high and low decorated the inside of the city along with several markets selling all kinds of foods, clothes, and jewelry. Stones were what most of the

  • The Furry Guards of the Hermitage Museum

    1352 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Hermitage, also known as the Winter Palace, is an extravagantly decorated museum of monumental size that possesses numerous impressive features; ¨1,786 doors, 1,945 windows and 1,057 elegantly and lavishly decorated halls and rooms, many of which are open to the public¨ (St. Petersburg Online). It is home to millions of priceless works of art from the prehistoric Paleolithic Era and Iron Ages to modern pieces created by current artists (The State Hermitage Museum). The museum was founded by Catherine

  • Cleopatra

    1557 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cleopatra did most of the ruling and left her brother out it. Ptolemy served as a puppet for power-hungry advisors and in 48 BC kicked Cleopatra out of the palace. Cleopatra retaliated by building her own army outside the city. Cleopatra knew that she had to get to Caesar and tell her side of the story. She had herself smuggled into the palace in a rug. The young Queen enchanted Caesar, and the two spent the night together. Ptolemy XIII was called to the audience and was dismayed to see that Cleopatra

  • The Kitchen God's Wife and The Bingo Palace

    2481 Words  | 5 Pages

    Mythology, Luck, and Fate in The Kitchen God's Wife and The Bingo Palace In Amy Tan's novel, The Kitchen God's Wife, the author weaves Chinese mythology and beliefs through a woman's struggle to explain and come to terms with her harrowing past, to her American daughter, Pearl. Aside from the horror invoked by Winnie's tale of her life in Pre-Communist/Feudal China, the thing that struck me the most about this book was how often the themes of luck and fate crop up in the story. I often found

  • Einhard and Charlemagnes Palace School: A Mechanism for Wealth, Prestige, Power and Success

    3411 Words  | 7 Pages

    in Charlemagne’s Frankish Kingdom. During Charlemagne’s rule/life (768-824), he dedicated a vast amount of time and energy into supporting the notions of classical learning. He went so far as to start a school comprised of many scholars within his palace. Their role was to educate the nobility, the priesthood and the people, as well as hold counsel with the king. This is where Einhard and Charlemagne first encountered each other. Einhard was a small but intelligent man who came to prominence in the

  • Figures of speech in The Fall of the House of Usher

    654 Words  | 2 Pages

    and disappointing appearance. Poe also uses symbolism to compare the deterioration of the house to the fall of the Usher dynasty. In Roderick’s poem, “The Haunted Palace”, he describes the history of the house as it began as a strong and “radiant palace”, which over time became a decrepit, disease-ridden cage. The radiant palace repres...

  • Circe: The Dread Goddess

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Circe KIR kee The Dread Goddess Circe or (Kirke) is the daughter of Helios (The Sun) and Perseis (the daughter of Okeanos). On her island... in her palace... Circe waits for lost sailors to come wandering to her door as supplicants. Normally, a traveler is treated as a special guest but with Circe, travelers are drugged and then served as dinner. Odysseus and his desperate crew went ashore on the island of Aiaia hoping to find food and water. Odysseus sent twenty three men to explore the island but

  • Antigone Vs. Socrates

    667 Words  | 2 Pages

    have a proper burial, therefore Antigone promised to her sister Ismene that she would be the one to defy Creon and bury her brother; and she didn’t care if the whole city knew of her plans. After being caught in the act, she was taken to the palace and when asked by Creon why she did it. Knowing the punishment that would come from it, she replied by saying that she didn’t think Creon had the power to overrule the u...

  • Analysis Of The Alhambra

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    6,000 tourists visit the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. Much grant has occurred with respect to the Palace of the Lions, one of two castles that made it throughout the original six or seven. What makes it such a rich mine for study is the ample improved way in decoration and styling, and additionally its abnormal floor arrangement and then the water fountain. While many differing viewpoints on the Palace of the Lions have been carefully noted and very well supported, all concur that the Alhambra is a

  • Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    BOOK REPORT TITLE: The Prince and the Pauper AUTHOR: Mark Twain CLASSIFICATION: Adventure/Action/Classic SETTING: This story takes place in England during the time of King Henry XIII. It is set mainly in Offal Court and Westminster Palace. CHARACTER STUDY: In this story there are two look alikes. Tom Comty was born to a poor family in Offal Court. He looked identical to the Prince of Wales, Edward Tudor. Edward Tudor was born to royalty. He was the heir to the throne. There was only one

  • The Brass Plaques of the Benin Palace

    2152 Words  | 5 Pages

    resilience and indeed, preparedness, of the Benin people. The Benin were able to draw on their cultural, political, and religious traditions to fit the European arrival in an understandable context. Indeed, as the great brass plaques of the Benin palace demonstrate, the arrival was in fact manipulated by the Benin to strengthen, not diminish, indigenous royal power. The first step to understanding the response of the Benin people to this arrival is to look to their conception of their own identity

  • An Analysis of William Blake's Poem "London"

    1862 Words  | 4 Pages

    In "London", William Blake brings to light a city overrun by poverty and hardship. Blake discards the common, glorifying view of London and replaces it with his idea of truth. London is nothing more but a city strapped by harsh economic times where Royalty and other venues of power have allowed morality and goodness to deteriorate so that suffering and poverty are all that exist. It is with the use of three distinct metaphors; "mind-forg'd manacles", "blackning Church", and "Marriage hearse", that

  • The Last Empress by Daniele Varè

    965 Words  | 2 Pages

    died in 1875. Through much controversy and manipulation, Tzi-hsi was able to convince the court to nominate her choice as successor, and when the Empress of the Eastern palace died, Tzi-hsi became the sole surviving regent of the empire (Varè). Shortly after, Tzi-hsi was forced to give up her regency and retired to a summer palace, but she soon resumed rule over China. From that moment on until her death in 1908 she ruled China, instilling new policies and reforms into Chinese culture. There have

  • Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

    1037 Words  | 3 Pages

    cornucopias and coral necklaces were painted there to symbolize good luck and fertility. The most striking part of this work is the symmetry. The symmetrical architectural structures perfectly centers the palace. The dome of the palace perfectly divides the arch behind it; the highest point of the palace perfectly divides the sky within the main arch. The next most noticeable point of this painting is where the figures of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon stand. They appear to protrude out from the rest

  • Marie Antoinette

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI of France. She was born in 1755 in France and was the daughter of the Great Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa of Austria. Because here parents came from two countries at war with each other, their marriage formed a peace treaty. Marie was very spoiled and grew up with an extravagant lifestyle. She herself became the wife of the next heir to the French throne to further keep the peace. The heir was Louis XVI, who was a very dull

  • Beauty Robin Mckinley

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

         One day, Beauty’s father comes home and tells her about how he had tried to pick one of the Beast’s at the Beast’s palace. Since the Beast had caught him, the father’s punishment was to either offer him himself, or one of his daughters in return for the rose the father had stolen. Beauty decides that she should go, and a month later, she moved to the palace with the Beast. At first, Beauty doesn’t like the Beast at all, and she

  • Anthem

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    society it is a sin to do things that do not involve others, and the words he thinks and writes are for no one eyes to see or hear, but his own. In his society everyone thinks the same, and if you were to be the different one you would be sent to the palace of correction and detention. Equality 7-2521 actually had a mind of his own. As you can see Science fascinated him. For example in chapter 1 while it was dark Equality 7-2521 would sneak into a dark tunnel in which he would spend 3 hours doing

  • Mycenaean Civilization

    1636 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mycenaean civilization is characterized by the large palace-like buildings that they created. These huge structures contained dozens of rooms used for a variety of purposes. The rooms were used for everything from industry to meeting places and even sleeping quarters. The main function of these palatial buildings seemed to be economical. From clay tablets that have been accidentally preserved through fire historians know that the Mycenaean employed a ‘palace economy.’ The tablets, written in an ancient