Wealden Essays

  • Building a Tesco Superstore

    1286 Words  | 3 Pages

    Building a Tesco Superstore It has been agreed that a Tesco superstore can be built in Hailsham; it will be located on the site of WhiteHouse Primary School. But will this be beneficial to Hailsham? In our project will are expected to consider the impact (cost/benefit) on a wide range of stakeholders. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF HAILSHAM Hailsham is the largest settlement in the southern half of the District, with a population of 19,100. It is located about six miles north of Eastbourne, between

  • Tourism in The Isle of Purbeck

    1610 Words  | 4 Pages

    how the bays and headlands have been formed due to the different types of rocks. In the diagram you can see the tertiary sands, clay rocks and wealden clay rocks are the less resistant rocks and the Portland and Purbeck limestone is the resistant rock. Therefore when the waves hit the coast the resistant rocks; tertiary sands, clay rocks and wealden clay rocks will not erode, whereas the less resistant ones will, as they are more softer and are not as hard and strong enough like the others