Walter Matthau Essays

  • Neil Simon and the Use of Buffoon Comedy within his works

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    Neil Simon is arguably one of the greatest American playwrights of the twentieth century. He has brought his unique personality and views to his works. His plays have not only graced Broadway, but many have made it to the screen. Simon uses personal ties in portraying characters familiar to the audience. Simon said once in an interview with Glenn Loney, “Certain types of critics will always look down on comedy. For them, it seems to easy- or it doesn’t have enough substance” (Konas 212). Neil Simon

  • Walter Johnson - A Pitcher

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    and there was an upstart franchise called the American League there was a pitcher, his name was Walter Johnson. Known as the 'big train' because of his high powered fastball which was unequaled in all of baseball Johnson was a poor Kansas farm-hand who became one of the best pitchers baseball has ever been lucky to have ever seen, and he was on one of the worst teams in the history of baseball. Walter Johnson was born in 1887 in a small town called Humboldt,Ks. As a teenager his interests turned

  • The Origin, Distribution and Classification of Cultivated Broccoli Varieties

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    Brassicaceae, also known as the Mustard family. The Brassicaceae is a large family comprised of approximately 3,000 described species apportioned among 350-380 genera. The precise number of genera will vary depending on the authority(Heywood, 1978; Keil & Walters, 1988). The classification scheme for broccoli and indeed all of the other brassicas is clear and straightforward until one reaches the species level. At that point the addition of numerous subspecies, varieties, and cultivars results in a rather

  • Blood Justice

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    happened to Mark Charles Parker because he allegedly raped June Walters a pregnant white woman on February 23 1959. In Howard Smead’s historical nonfiction book Blood Justice he describes one of the most important investigations of a racist, motivated crime in the history of the United States. Blood Justice is about the killing of Mark Charles Parker and the investigation after his death. Mark Charles Parker was accused of the rape of June Walters which Occurred on March 1, 1959. R. Jess Brown a well-known

  • A Character Analysis of Sir Lancelot

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    Malory's rendition of traditional materials, we have inherited a character that has become the image of the quintessential knight. How is it that "the outsider, the foreigner, the 'upstart' who wins Arthur's heart and Guinevere's body and soul" (Walters xiv) has taken the place that, prior to Malory, was reserved for Sir Gawain? Malory has made this character larger than life. Of the grandeur of Lancelot, Derek Brewer says, "In the portrayal of Lancelot we generally recognize a vein of extravagance

  • We Must Put an End to Frivolous Inmate Lawsuits

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    the past decade a series of checks and balances has begun to fail our government. In our failing system of government inmates have taken advantage of the court system and have flooded it with an inconceivable number of frivolous lawsuits. Laurel Walters, a writer for the Christian Science Monitor, investigated inmates' lawsuits and found that these "recreational litigators...are suing the courts as an intramural sports activity." Action needs to be taken in order to rectify and protect "US" from

  • Critique of the Movie Educating Rita

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    Critique of the Movie Educating Rita Director: Lewis Gilbert Screenwriter: Willy Russell Released: 1983 With Julie Walters, Michael Caine, and others Rita (Julie Walters) is a twenty-six years old hairdresser from Liverpool who has decided to get an education. Not the sort of education that would get her just a better job or more pay, but an education that would open up for her a whole new world--a liberal education. Rita wants to be a different person, and live an altogether different sort

  • Flannery O Connor-A Violent Illumination Of Salvation

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    any cost, a soul must find salvation. O'Connor states, "In my own stories I have found that violence is strangely capable of returning my characters to reality and preparing them to accept their moment of grace" ( Bain 407). Dorothy Walters, Associate Professor of English at Wichita State University, believes O'Connor's single theme is the battle between God and the devil "dueling


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    reporter at WTVF-TV in Nashville. In 1976 Oprah was offered a job at the ABC-TV station for WJZ in Baltimore. The newstation posted billboards around the whole city support of the new show. The goal was to make a record-breaking salary such as Barbara Walters with her one million dollars a year. Oprah approached her new job with typical gusto. But WJZ’s management frowned on Oprah’s habit of spontaneous reporting and her refusal to read the news copy ahead of time. The lack of preparation resulted in mistakes

  • Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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    When Walter decides not to take the extra money he is offered it helps prove Hansberry's theme. Her theme is that money can't buy happiness. This can be seen in Walter's actions throughout the play. While Mama is talking to Walter, she asks him why he always talks about money. "Mama: Oh--So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life--now it's money. I guess the world really do change . . . Walter: No--it was always money, Mama. We just didn't know about it." Walter thinks

  • To Kill A Mockingbird - Scouts Maturity

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    she also changes because Atticus, her father, asks her to. In the early chapters of the book, Scout picks fights at the slightest provocation. One example of this is when Scout beats up Walter Cunningham, one of her classmates, for “not having his lunch”, which isn’t a very good reason at all. “Catching Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard gave me some pleasure, but when I was rubbing his nose in the dirt Jem came by and told me to stop. ‘You’re bigger’n he is,’ he said … ‘He made me start off on

  • Slave Masters – Some Good, Some Bad

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    Reynolds and Walter Calloway illustrate that some slave masters provided their slaves with the necessities of life, did not stand for slave cruelty, and were concerned for their slaves' spiritual well-being, while others did the complete opposite. Mary Reynolds, who spent the first part of her life as a slave in Louisiana, and Walter Calloway, who spent the majority of his life on a plantation in Alabama, both spoke about how hard the work was on their master's plantations. Walter worked in

  • Ethics of In Vitro Fertilization

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    approach to life and its moral dilemmas (Walters 22). Ethical inquiry is important to us when we are unsure of the direction in which we are heading. “New philosophy calls all in doubt,” wrote John Donne in the wake of the Copernican Revolution and of Charles I’s violent death, suggesting that new thoughts had challenged old practices (Donne). Today, new practices in the biomedical sciences are challenging old thoughts: “New medicine calls all in doubt” (Walters 22). Few moral convictions are more deeply

  • Walter Morel of D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers

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    Walter Morel of D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers Throughout the novel, we gain a good understanding of what the character of Walter Morel is like, in certain parts, we can 100% empathise with Gertrude and understand her struggle and strife, yet there are moments in the text, when I for one, see Walter is the vulnerable, mis-understood character he really is. I believe he is the one, not Gertrude, who deserves the readers sympathy. We know Walter to be an alcoholic, and in all honesty a pretty

  • Legendary Betsy Ross and the American Flag

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    Philadelphia, and attended a Friends School while growing up (Walters 335). Betsy Ross married three times, but her first marriage was to a man named John Ross in an upholstery shop where she was a seamstress at age 21. John Ross was the son of an Episcopal clergyman (Compton's 1). Their parents were against the marriage because John was not a Quaker, and so the two eloped together to Glouchester, New Jersey, on November 4, 1773 (Walters 335). After that, the Friends disowned her because she was

  • Raphael: The Madonna of the Candelabra

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    Candelabra is oil on panel, a medium common to the time. It was completed between 1513 and 1514, and stands 25 3/16 by 25 7/8 inches. The Madonna of the Candelabra is a part of the permanent collection of the Walters Art Museum located in Baltimore, Maryland. When purchased by collector Henry Walters in the early 1900’s it was the first Raphael Madonna to be incorporated into an American collection( This painting was originally in the Borghese Collection in Rome, and changed hands

  • Walter Younger

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    In the play, “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry, money is one thing that draws out the faults in most of the characters, one being Walter. Walter has a strong fascination with money, everything about it seems to bring out the worst in him. Whether he knows it or not, Walter is obsessed with money and it is affecting him in the worst of ways. It could possibly even be ruining what he has left of his family. This play follows a family by the name of the Youngers. All of them seem close

  • Walter Benn Michaels' Our America: Nativism, Modernism, and Pluralism

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    Walter Benn Michaels' Our America: Nativism, Modernism, and Pluralism Walter Benn Michaels is an active literary theorist, and is currently a Professor of English at the University of Illinois, Chicago. In Our America: Nativism, Modernism, and Pluralism, Michaels examines American literary modernism, emphasizing its “participation in a crucial shift in American conceptions of race [and identity]” (Lee). While Progressivist racism is based upon a “racial hierarchy and the assimilation of non-Negro

  • Updating the Setting of Shakespeare's Othello

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    neat setting for contemporary versions of Shakespeare’s comedies: Strong headed adolescent embarking on first love come with the fitting you’d struggle to find more sharply defined social strata or better opportunity for self-conscious humiliation” (Walters, 2002). By setting the film in a high school, characters are at a very vulnerable point in their lives as they are discovering new things about themselves, are forming relationships, and have insecurities about themselves. Often during these vulnerable

  • A Raisin In The Sun

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    Beneatha did not let being poor make them envy any one who had money. Walter on the other hand was sick of the way he and his family had to live. He was fed-up and was desperate to make money any way he could think of for his family. " You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be bout thirty thousand. See. That be ten thousand each" this quote is Walter telling Ruth that he wants to go three way split with Bobo and Willie