Vietnamese American Essays

  • Little Saigon- the Power of the Vietnamese American

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    Little Saigon- the Power of the Vietnamese American Eventually, the store had to close down. The Anticommunist movement is extreme to the point that anyone who even appeared to be sympathetic to the current government of Vietnam was branded a traitor. For instance, the community claimed that one of the Vietnamese American politicians, Tony Lam, did not support the community in forcing this video store to close down. In addition, Tony Lam took part in requesting the council of the city of Westminster

  • I am Vietnamese, I am American

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    I am Vietnamese, I am American Durian fruit. When people ask me how I feel about my Vietnamese culture, the first thing that comes to mind is durian fruit. Unlike the strawberries or cherries found at Safeway, durian fruit at first glance does not even look edible. The entire fruit resembles a dirty old football, except that durian weighs nearly three pounds. One-inch spikes and a tough brown outer peel cover the fruit, giving it an intimidating look. Inside, yellow, kidney-shaped pieces line

  • Effects Of Vietnamese Diaspora

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    Vietnamese in America Vietnam has gone through a major change during and after the Vietnam War. In the beginning the country’s citizens were fighting with the help of America to gain control of their government. Refugees are people who solely have a push factor of migration. They have to leave their country and usually do not have a specific destination in mind. Refugees are due to political reasons or war, there status has been legally recognized since the 1950’s. Vietnamese refugees coming into

  • Birds Of Paradise Lost Literary Analysis

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    Lam In Birds of Paradise Lost by Andrew Lam, we are able to gain perspective on the sufferings of Vietnamese refugees. It provides a universal immigration experience as the reader is able to visualize the experiences that the refugees underwent during the fall of Saigon, which occurred in 1975. The ideas for writing the book was drawn from Lam’s childhood as he was brought up in an American Vietnamese community located in San Francisco. In the story”hunger,” the primary focus is on Nguyen as a character

  • Vietnamese American Education In America

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    Lastly, Vietnamese Americans education is different in America. Instruction is exceedingly esteemed in Vietnamese culture, and the learning achieved by kids is seen as a reflection on the whole family. In an investigation of accomplishment among southeast Asian outcasts, Nathan Caplan, John K. Whitmore, and Marcella H. Choy found that with the two evaluations and scores on state administered tests, Vietnamese American youngsters positioned higher than other American kids, even though they showed

  • Essay On Vietnamese American Culture

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    Research Questions Cultural shame and social stigma are the primary reasons hindering Vietnamese American parents from recognizing mental illness in their children and utilizing mental health services and support. There is no significant difference in comparing the first generation with the second generation of Vietnamese American in terms of their views or perspectives on mental health. Despite the difference experiences and opportunity the second generation receiving including possible higher

  • Struggles of a Vietnamese American Adolescent

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    the Vietnamese community. The adults and elders would tell young people culture is a way of being that involves talking, acting, and following traditions. For second-generation Vietnamese adolescents, culture becomes an everyday battleground. A battleground that takes no prisoners leaving the field desolated. As a result, adolescents are left psychologically, emotionally, and mentally torn to pieces. They must navigate two cultural systems that contradict on another. The dominating American culture

  • Harmonious culture in Little Saigon

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    visited Little Saigon, Westminster where was a little town for Vietnamese immigrants. This little society has built unexpected strong identities by creating many Vietnamese business stores and other cultural materials. Little Saigon people have built and shaped their own strong mixed cultures and identities by accepting new observation and learning of American and other Asian different cultures. In the personal relationship, Vietnamese American people in Little Saigon show that they are divided into first

  • Catfish and Mandala, by Andrew Pham

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    intestines. I had eaten menudo, thanks to my Hispanic mother and this was the first time I had Chitlins, an African American dish via my paternal grandmother. Unlike Menudo, which to me has an appetizing smell and taste, Chitlins were a gray stringy putrid smelling dish. Remembering the utter dislike I obtained from that African American dish, reminded me of Pham’s experience with Vietnamese food. While there are some dishes people can’t stand, most usually embrace a dish from their culture and that helps

  • Analysis Of Vietnamese Dialect

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    Dialect Project 2 A good amount of people when thinking of Vietnamese English, one word come to mind to summarize the dialect is “Broken English”. While it is true that Vietnamese who learned and tried to speak English do use the “broken English” not because they are lazy and don’t want to learn how to speak properly, but because they are using Vietnamese grammar structure that they know their whole life and applying in it to English. That is a much easier thing to do rather than learning a whole

  • Pho - The Unique Dish

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    Although there are quite Vietnamese dishes that can get attracted of foreigners, Pho is still a whole different story. It makes people want to taste it once. Pho, now, can be considered as a national food from Vietnam; it is getting more popular than ever. Pho might be look vey simplistic, but it has a complex flavors. Depending on the region, there are so many ways to make a bowl of pho. It is very rare that somebody could eat a bowl of pho with the same savour. In Vietnam, pho is a kind of street

  • Letter Home From a Soldier in Vietnam

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    Letter Home From a Soldier in Vietnam Dear Mom, I am doing great. Well…When I say great, I mean I'm as good as you can be over here. This place is like a giant valley of death, that's keeps getting filled with more dead American soldiers every day. We keep asking ourselves the question, why are we here? Why are we dying for a cause that's got nothing to do with us? We just don't see the point in us being here any more. It's been 7 months since I saw you all now. I hope you are all

  • Philip Caputo Book Analysis

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    about the Vietnamese people, which was not as much hate since him and the other soldiers were not as knowledgeable about all the conflict that was taking place in Vietnam. Caputo was very opinionated towards his views of the Vietnamese people. He actually felt sorry for all the villagers who had to see and deal with the negative environment that was brought upon them, and bear the Marines who probed their homes for prohibited Viet Cong relations. Caputo did not find it fair how the American troops mistreated

  • Mirror for Man: Actions and Thoughts Follow Culture

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    rather than depend on calculators. As a result, the Vietnamese people do not consider it a sacrifice that they should lead a hard life. Also, their education emphasizes morality rather than independent thinking. Therefore, most Vietnamese children would never think of leaving their families before marriage, unlike the Americans, who would leave for college right after high school or move out of their parents' house to live with friends. The Americans would also prefer to make their lives as easy as

  • Betrayal Exposed in Vietnam Perkasie, By Ehrhart

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    have only played one small part in the war, but the war played a huge part in their lives. They went in feeling one way, and came home feeling completely different. In the book Vietnam Perkasie, W.D. Ehrhart describes his change from a proud young American Marine to a man filled with immense confusion, anger, and guilt over the atrocities he witnessed and participated in during the war. Growing up, Ehrhart lived in a small town called Perkasie, where he had a very safe and comfortable life. He had

  • I am Vietnamese

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    not the ideal Vietnamese child; I am nothing special.Since I was born, English has been my primary language. It is the language I think in, the only language I can express my true emotions. I am an American-born Vietnamese child, proud of my heritage, yet forever attempting to grasp it. I merely know this: my morals and values, instilled in me by Vietnamese tradition make me who I am today. That is why I write, not to win, but to express my pride in my Vietnamese roots. I am Vietnamese. Sometimes,

  • Saigon Is Gone Poem Analysis

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    Southern Vietnam. No one in the entire country is safe from this particular war. America expresses support for Southern Vietnam and its cause, however the North is stronger and overtakes Southern Vietnam’s capital of Saigon. Traumatized Southern Vietnamese people try to escape a Communist government and are forced to flee the nation. Stories shared by these people grasp onto every one of your emotions. In the poem “Saigon is Gone” and the transcript “Forgotten Ship: A Daring Rescue as Saigon Fell

  • How Does Catholicism Affect the Buddhist-Vietnamese Culture?

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    Section A: Through the French and Chinese, the Vietnamese culture has been influenced by two major religions, Catholicism and Buddhism. According to Joseph Buttinger in Vietnam: A Political History, Vietnam was first ruled by the Chinese in the year 111 B.C in which they ruled Vietnam for a thousand years (25). After the Chinese, the Portuguese, English and the Dutch also came to Vietnam but the French started its great influence on Vietnam in 1615 with the Catholic missionaries (SarDesai 31). This

  • The History Of Vietnam And The Vietnam War

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    French government agrees to peace talk. The war got started because the U.S military claimed that two navy destroyers got fired with Vietnamese patrol boats. 200,000 American combat troops arrive in South Vietnam. 58,000 Americans died. 1975, President Duong Van Minh surrenders, and South Vietnam take control of the whole country. 1979 Vietnam attacks Cambodia. 1989 Vietnamese troops left Cambodia. The communist party still remains as the leading force is Vietnam society. More economic freedom was allowed

  • A Comparison Of Nationalism In Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities

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    sequence of loathsome copulations: outside history,” relatable to the Vietnamese case of nationalism (Anderson, 148-9). The emergence of this patriotic sentiment can be attributed to ‘outside history,’ and the slow, but evident disintegration of a said cultural identity. ‘Outside history’ and the threatening presence of outside forces were all to easy to despise. With an obvious, discernible enemy, it was only natural for the Vietnamese to desire self-sufficiency, and to target the said enemy. For the