Trimethylamine N-oxide Essays

  • Animal Definition Essay

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bear – (noun) a large, heavy, mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, with thick fur and a very short tail. “Maybe Maureen had been out for a walk and on coming back had interrupted the mama bear raiding our food supply. I was pretty sure that she would have taken off at a run.” Blood – (noun) the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. “'Helen was very insulted that you didn't

  • Nitrosamines Case Study

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    meat flavor (Skibsted, 2011). Many cured meat products contain added spices containing nitrite for curing has given rise to the formation of N-nitrosopiperidine (NPIP) and other nitrosamines in the premixes. Nitrite reacts with various components present in muscle and converted to nitrosating agent, NO+ which reacts with biogenic amines to form carcinogenic N-nitrosamines. Biogenic amines are a basic nitrogenous compounds that formed by decarboxylation of free amino acids. They can found in high concentration

  • Being Vegan Essay

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    Being Vegan: A Positive Habitual Change Who does not want to live a healthy life in a beautiful environment, being kind and nice to everyone? Well, everybody does. We all know that, the food we consume plays a key role to have that quality life. Specially in today’s scenario, many people are being aware of that they eat and their consequences to them and the environment. We can see that many people are making the transition from animal-based diet to plant-based diet. So, today in this essay the discussion

  • Eating Meat Persuasive Essay

    2263 Words  | 5 Pages

    a compound found in red meat called carnitine. Carnitine is produced by the liver and kidneys, it is what gives us energy (Editor in Chief). Bacteria in the stomach digests the carnitine and turns it into trimethylamine N-oxide. A study was done on mice and revealed that trimethylamine N-oxide may be causing atherosclerosis (Editor in Chief). When people get atherosclerosis it means their arteries are hardening and narrowing which then leads to heart attacks from reduced blood flow (Atherosclerosis)

  • Fact Or Myth : Pyrroloquinoline Quinone ( Pqq )

    1194 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fact or Myth: Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) The hype: A quick Google search of PQQ easily returns over 2.3 million results. When you start perusing the top Google hits, one can quickly assume that PQQ is the new wonder supplement. The claims, from what appears to be high quality web pages for brick and mortar type health clinics are; Increase mitochondrial density to give you more energy, reduce inflammation, boost metabolism, combat oxidative stress, improve fertility, improve learning and memory