Trial movies Essays

  • Fighting the System in 12 Angry Men and A Time to Kill

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    the early nineteenth century and lays the foundation for character and plot as reflected in legal dramas of today. “The proper fate for the dramatic hero or heroine was to learn Christian resignation by preserving moral purity in the face of great trials and tribulations,” (Cawelti 38). The idea of good versus evil, right versus wrong, stemmed from the belief that to be “good” was having a strong faith in God and the resultant courage to act on one’s good intentions. This genre myth carried over to

  • Comparing the Movies A Time to Kill, by John Grisham and To Kill a Mockingbird

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    Hollywoodized, modern-day version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Both movies employ many of the same themes and plot elements; but the former movie is one-dimensional and predictable while the latter is innovative and purposeful. The movie version of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a classic film, whereas John Grisham?s adapted novel is merely another example of the money making efforts of Hollywood. Some of the movies' more prominent themes are the same. Both focus on the family

  • Who are the People rating movies?

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    Who are the People rating movies? Parents can determine if they want to allow their children to watch certain movies by using the film rating system. The film rating system went into effect on November 1, 1968. Even though the decision of whether or not to use the film rating system is voluntary, the vast majority of theaters in The United States enforce the Classification and Rating Administration’s guidelines. This was a voluntary system sponsored by the Motion Picture Association of America

  • Sex in Movies

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    Sex in Movies Has the role of sex gained too much importance in todays movie industry? The answer to this highly publicized question, although highly depending on personal opinion, is no. The growth of sex in movies is directly related to the growth of its role in modern society. The movie industry has no choice but to adapt to a society with changing entertainment needs. The movie industry is just what it says, an industry. An industry that has one goal similar with all other industries

  • Beverly Hills Cop, The Rock, Armageddon, and Top Gun

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    flock to their brand of mayhem, hyper masculinity, thunderous sound effects, and cutting edge special effects. And while they have had their share of bombs (like the dismal “Days of Thunder” or “Gone in 60 Seconds”) more often than not, they make movies the public seems to love. So what is it about these producers and their films that are so successful? In this paper I will offer a structural analysis of the films of Simpson and Bruckheimer. In addition to their spectacle and typically well-crafted

  • Traffic, Directed by Steven Soderbergh

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    Traffic. Dir. Steven Soderbergh. Perf. Michael Douglas, Benicio Del Toro, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Dennis Quaid. USA Films, 2000. Blow. Dir. Ted Demme. Perf. Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Paul Reubens, Ray Liotta. New Line Cinema, 2001. 1. Just as the intoxicating sensations of different drugs are incommensurable with one another, so films about different drugs tend to have radically different themes and effects. In American popular culture perhaps the illegal drug with the longest cinema

  • Hollywood Movies Compared to Other Countries' Movies

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    Hollywood Movies Compared to Other Countries' Movies Despite the fact that Hollywood films are popular all over the world, many believe that foreign films are better. Critics’ dislike of Hollywood films’ is due to the straight-line plots of the films in which nothing is left unclear, unsettling or unexplained and every shot is justified by a link to strictest cause and effect. Hollywood films are often viewed as dulling the mind. In this country people generally view films for mere entertainment

  • Movies Heros

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    inspired anyone who watched him. Every time you watch a Rocky movie, you feel like you can conquer the world. He used the same technique in some movies, such as, Rambo and Cobra. In Rambo, Stallone was a one-man wrecking crew that he also portrayed in Rocky. He would be sent on one-man missions to destroy the whole country. Throughout all of Stallones movies he has portrayed that love to be the hero. His upbringing, to his sweat filled workouts in the boxing rings of South Philadelphia, has turned

  • Life Is Like The Movies

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    Going to the movies is fun. You get your candy and your drink and are taken away into a fictional world for two or three hours, then leave the theater and get back to reality. But is what you're going back to really reality? Plato said no. In the "Allegory of the Cave" (chapter XXV) in the The Republic he proposes that we all live like people in a movie theater, only he uses prisoners in a cave to illustrate the situation. He creates an image of prisoners, chained down in a cave, so all they could

  • Patriotism in Spiderman Movies

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    climate on the time. Specifically, the recent movies Spider-Man (2002) and Spider-Man 2 (2004) both show the differing amounts of patriotism that were in the American psyche at those two close but far different times in history. Additionally, it can be shown that the movies can even have their own effect on the patriotic feelings of the time. Comparing and contrasting the two movies reveals how the differing times affected the final product of both movies. Spider-Man (2002) was filmed in 2001 before

  • I Learned it From the Movies

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    I Learned it From the Movies When the majority of people are asked who or what influenced them most people would likely name one person or one event. Not me. I say the movies. Ever since I was old enough to watch them I have been absorbing the information the movies provided. I was enthralled with the way Clark Gable didn’t give a damn or how Audrey Hepburn knew about the rain on the plains of Spain. The lessons the movies taught me are unforgettable and can be used forever. A big part

  • Comparative Analysis Of The Ghost In Two Hamlet Movies

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    Comparative Analysis Of The Ghost In Two Hamlet Movies The play “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”, by William Shakespeare being of such a complicated variety of themes, contains many different story lines as well as being very extensive in nature makes it quite a challenge to be produced and acted. On paper, the reader can translate things, as they like. Since Shakespeare is not around to tell us the meaning of every theme or the truth about every nook and cranny about his works. It is up to the reader

  • Women and Minorities in Television and Movies

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    Women and Minorities in Television and Movies Since this winter, I can't watch television or movies anymore without critiquing how women and minorities are portrayed. One unexpected thing that I have picked up from taking this class is a sense of wariness when I counter any piece of written material. I have learned to be suspicious, if not directly critical of any particular part of the media as I experience it; I have been inspired to read and be influenced by some prolific female thinkers

  • Gladiator

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    Gladiator There have been many sports movies made over the years. Some have been good, while others have been flops. Many sports movies have not been considered overall good movies simply because they were sports movies. I feel that one of the best and most overlooked sports movies of all time is the movie Gladiator. Gladiator is not only a good sports movie, but it is an all around good movie. Before we can call an all around movie a "good" movie, we must first define what a good movie is

  • Shakespeare in Contemporary Movies

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    Shakespeare in Contemporary Movies In the middle of Looking for Richard, Al Pacino's documentary about making Richard III and bringing Shakespeare to the people, there is a moment which illuminates the relationship of scholarship, Shakespeare and popular culture. The director is ranting at Pacino for offering (threatening?) to bring a Shakespearean scholar into the film: You said you were going to find a scholar to speak directly into the camera and explain what really went down and I'm telling

  • My Philosophy of Education

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    Forming a philosophy of education is not as simple as it might sound. In articulating my teaching philosophy, I assess and examine myself to identify the goals I wish to achieve and accomplish in teaching. It is important to possess a philosophy of education as it guides my instructional decisions and provides stability, continuity, and log-term guidance. I believe that the teaching philosophy represents a clear and distinctive organizing vision of why I am doing what I am doing. Developing a personal

  • Women in Movies

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    Women in Movies Since the 1940’s, movies have predominately portrayed women as sex symbols. Beginning in the 1940’s and continuing though the 1980’s, women did not have major roles in movies. When they did have a leading role the women was either pretreated as unintelligent and beautiful, or as conniving and beautiful: But she was always beautiful. Before the 1990’s, men alone, wrote and directed all the movies, and the movies were written for men. In comparison, movies of the 90’s are not only

  • Review Of Three Movies: Trainspotting, Ferris Buellers Day Off And Ju

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    Review Of Three Movies: Trainspotting, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Jurassic Park Trainspotting Trainspotting is a drop-dead look at a dead-end lifestyle. Set among the junkies and thugs of Edinburgh's slums and made by (director Danny Boyle, writer John Hodge, producer Andrew Macdonald) that created "Shallow Grave," "Trainspotting" caused a sensation in Britain, where it took in more money than any U.K. film except "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and ignited strong controversy over its

  • Blacks and Whites in Movies

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    segregation has been the theme of many modern movies, music, and television shows. African Americans are taking advantage of this opportunity to represent the African American culture, even though it serves to explain their historical oppression and misfortune and not of their success and well-being. They are turning a negative history into a positive career and future. Approximately eighty years ago, it was only a thought that African Americans should indeed make movies and appear in the big screen alongside

  • American Film and Movies from the 1950’s to Present

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    American Film and Movies from the 1950’s to Present Today, American film is among the most internationally supported commodities. Financially, its contributions are enormous: the industry is responsible for the circulation of billions of dollars each year. Since its explosion into the new media markets during the mid-twentieth century, film has produced consistently growing numbers of viewers and critics alike. Sparking debate over the nature of its viewing, film is now being questioned in social