Threonine Essays

  • Post-Translational Modifications

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    Post-translational modifications have a profound influence on the structure and function of many proteins. Dystroglycan (DG) is an example of a membrane protein that requires extensive post-translational processing in order to function as an extracellular matrix receptor. It is comprised of two subunits, an extracellular -DG subunit and a transmembrane -DG subunit, which are derived by cleavage of a polypeptide encoded by DAG1 (1). The apparent molecular mass (Mr) of -DG as assessed by SDS-PAGE

  • Glycoproteins Essay

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    1.1.1 Glycoproteins and biosynthesis N-Linked glycoproteins N-Linked glycoproteins were traditionally considered unique for eukaryotic systems. It was not until more recently that their presences in bacteria and archaea become recognized. N-Glycans in eukaryotes share some common features and have a common core structure. They consist of common monosaccharide units. However, their structures in bacteria and archaea are more diverse and contain both common and rare monosaccharide building

  • Blue Test Lab Report

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    favors the removal of a phosphate group making it a phosphatase. Therefore, answer C is correct. 21) General formula for an amino acid includes: an amino group, a hydrogen, a carboxyl group and a side chain a) A methyl group can only be found in threonine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine,

  • Cassava Case Study

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    cassava root, r2 for predicting individual AA from CP content was generally low and was greater than 20% only for TAA and valine. Also, r2 for predicting individual AA from leaf was 25% for TAA while that of peel was above 70% for histidine and threonine. Weak relationship observed among the CP, TAA and TIAA in this study might be due to their percentage proportion and changes in protein level as a result of development stage and environment (Howelar,

  • Acetic Acid Lab Report

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    NaOH needed is pH=pKa+log (〖[A〗^-])/[HA] 〖[A〗^-]=〖10〗^((9.8-9.7) )*1=1.3mol so 1.3 mol of NaOH is required D3. The two forms of threonine found in milk at a pH of 6.5 would exist in a ratio based on their isoelectric point (Hine et Martin, 2014). pI=(∑▒pKa)/2=(2.1+9.1)/2=5.6 Because the environment’s pH is less than the isoelectric point the two forms of threonine present are the zwitterion and cation forms. The ratio of the two being pH=〖pKa〗_cation+log (〖[A〗^-])/[HA]

  • Adaptation of Arctic Fish

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    Introduction Arctic fish display a remarkable case of adaptation, living in in low temperatures around 0˚C with areas of ice that can be -1.9˚C (DeVries, 1971). The ability for Arctic fish to thrive in such a low temperature environment is made possible by a class of proteins called Antifreeze proteins. Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) and Antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGPs) are polypeptides that are biosynthesized in animals, plants and fungi that prevent ice crystal formation (Griffith & Ewart, 1995). The

  • Lederberg And Tatum: A Genetic Study

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    information is directly transfers from one bacterium to another. To prove their statement Lederberg and Tatum carried out experiments to demonstrate the process. They use two auxotroph strains of E. coli K12 which the first strain could synthesize threonine leucine and thiamine but not methionine and biotin while the second strain could synthesize methionine and biotin but not others (1,2) . After incubation

  • Protein Powders: A Comprehensive Evaluation

    560 Words  | 2 Pages Since most of us don’t have a steak dinner on hand right after a workout, protein shakes make it easy and quick to get the protein needed to rebuild muscle. Also your body needs essential amino acids that include: Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Leucine, Lysine, Histidine (your body can manufacture histidine, but usually not in sufficient amounts) ( If your diet lacks any of these essential amino acids over time your body will be

  • Apoptosis: Autonomous Synthesis And Differential Specification

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    Apoptosis: A process where when a cell receives a specific signal, is damaged, or is stressed a cell becomes programmed to die which causes the cell to decrease in size and is attacked by macrophages causing it to break into smaller pieces. Autonomous Specification: A process by which a cell can become specialized during embryonic development without receiving signals from external sources. Caspases: A family of enzymes that are proteases that are important for apoptosis and inflammation in cells

  • Essential Amino Acids as Ergogenic Aids

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    htm#valine) (h The Essential Amino Acids Of 22 amino acids, 8 or 9, are considered essential because our bodies can't manufacture them. These are tryptophan, lysine, methione, phenylalaine, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, and histadine. Leucine "serves as a substrate for muscle metabolism during periods of cellular energy depletion" and promotes healing of the skin and broken bones as well as improving alertness. Tryptophan, whose benefits

  • Understanding Inborn Errors of Metabolism

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    synthesized from metabolic precursors, whereas essential cannot and must be taken from the diet. Essential are the ones that have more steps in the production process, so they required more ATP. Essential amino acid includes phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and histidine. And non-essential amino acids are arginine, alanine, asparagine, aspartate, cysteine, glutamate, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine. Inborn errors of metabolism are

  • Sweat Residue Lab Report

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sweat Perspiration discharges through the sweat glands of our fingertips is mainly made up of water, amino acids (Table 1), sebum (Table 2) and various minerals (Table 3). Amino Acid Value of Abundance Serine 100 Ornithine-Lysine 45 Alanine 30 Threonine 15 Valine 10 Glutamic acid 8 Phenylalanine 6 Tyrosine 5 Table 1. Relative abundance of amino acids in sweat. Lipid Percentage Glycerides 33 Fatty acids 30 Wax esters 22 Cholesterol esters 2 Cholesterol 2 Squalene 10 Table 2. Percentage of lipids

  • Ck2 In Central Nervous System

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    concentration-dependent manner (Blanquet 1998). Process called Synaptic plasticity plays a key role in memory and learning. Synaptic plasticity involves functional and structural alteration of synapses. CK2 has high catalytic activity phosphorylates serine and threonine residues in many proteins (Blanquet 2000) related to synaptic plasticity. CK2 is enriched in postsynaptic densities (Soto, Pancetti et al. 2004) crucial for synaptic

  • Acheta Domesticus Research Paper

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    1.1 Introduction to Entomophagy & Acheta domesticus The world’s incessant demand for protein has been showing no signs of slowing down in recent years, despite the multitude of environmental problems concerning meat production that have arisen along the way – and entomophagy could be mankind’s solution to this predicament. Enter the world of entomophagy: the practice of consuming insects as a food source. The consumption of insects is not a completely foreign concept, with archaeological evidence

  • Food: The Essentials And Characteristics Of Food

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    Food are consists by essential of fats, protein and carbohydrates. This all elements are needed in the body of an organism because to sustain growth, repair cells and give energy. From the above pictures show the food packaging of the Instant Asam Fish Sauce by the Mak Nyonya brand. This food is mostly consume by the students because it cheap, easy to cook and have all nutrients that body need. From the packaging, it states that the food have 12.6g of the saturated fats, 2.8mg of the sodium, 22

  • Soft Drinks Essay

    1092 Words  | 3 Pages

    Coca-Cola Company released blended tea beverage that has ingredients that help prevent fat absorption. Well-being has major appeal for young people, too. Coca-Cola Japan launched Glaceau sleepwater. It’s a flavored, nighttime refreshment containing threonine, an amino acid first found in green tea that is thought to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. In a country that is notorious for its long working hours and competitive spirit, products with sleep-inducing effects can fill an important need for hard-working

  • Heat Stress In Animal-Based Animal Research

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction One of the main objectives in animal based agricultural research is improving the efficiency of how an animal converts feed into product. It is essential that when considering improving efficiency that animals experiencing environmental stressors are included because their ability to perform has been compromised. One such environmental stressor is heat stress in dairy cattle. Heat stress occurs when an animal exceeds the upper limit of their thermo neutral zone and therefore are using

  • Carbohydrates: Structure and Function

    1996 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Carbohydrates are more than just fuels for the body and have other uses. Carbohydrates are hydrocarbons containing a carbonyl group and many alcohol groups. Their polymers can complex or they be simple and contain just one repeating monosaccharide, the roles of polymers can be many such as structural, storage or even signalling. (Tymoczko et al, 2012 p. 131) Monosaccharides Monosaccharides come in 2 forms, aldoses and ketoses. There can be up to seven carbons in the chain however most

  • Pollen Essay

    1036 Words  | 3 Pages

    REVIEW OF LITERATURE Honeybees collect nectar and pollen from flowers as food source. The nutrients needed to grow colony populations and maintain their health comes from nectar and pollen. Nectar which is then converted in to honey, provides carbohydrates. Pollen as bee-bread supplies dietary requirements such as proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals (Huang 2010; Degrandi-Hoffman 2013). A review by Wakhle (1981) reported the versatile characters of pollen and bees products. The royal-jelly produced

  • Feedback Inhibition Essay

    1370 Words  | 3 Pages

    Feedback inhibition balances production of amino acids. For eg, the enzyme threonine deaminase is inhibited by one of its products, the amino acid isoleucine. If the reaction weren't shut off, the enzyme couldn't synthesize other amino acids that the cell requires. However, the reaction restarts when there is low isoleucine. To accomplish