The Malay Dilemma Essays

  • Inspirational Doctor: Biography of Dr. Mahathir

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    Mahathir Mohamad. Malaysia. MPH Group Publishing; 2011 Faridah Abdul Rashid. Research on The Early Malay Doctors 1900-1957 Malaya and Singapore. Malaysia: Xlibris Cooperation; 2012. . The Biography. Datuk Seri Mahathir Bin Mohamad. The website. Link: - prime-minister&awesm=~oBDMkSieRzWPXa. Updated 2014. Cited 17 April 2014. United Malay Nation Organization (UMNO). Tun Dr. Mahathir. UMNO online. Link:

  • Democracy In Singapore Essay

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    According to Mark Evans (2006), elitists believe that society is dictated by “the nature of its elite”. Robert Michels, Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca agree that power was concentrated “in a small set of controlling elites”, particularly in the decision-making process. Because a government directly controlled by the masses was considered impossible, the people elect representatives which they believe would best represent their interests to the government. However, the representatives also take

  • Culture And Identity

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    experiences which group members of a given culture share. The member communicates with one another without knowing, and which form the surroundings against which all other events are judged in order to provide the approach in which a group resolves dilemmas. According to Hofstede (1980), “Culture is always a collective phenomenon, because it is at least partly shared with people who live or lived within the same social environment, which is where it was learned not distinctive.” Furthermore, culture

  • Technology: Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Bill Gates

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    Retrieved from on April 3, 2014 Software architect of the computer age. (2010, June 8). Retrieved from on April 3, 2014 The malay dilemma. (2014, March 28). Retrieved from on April 3, 2014

  • An Education System Analysis

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    An issue stirring among the Malaysians pointed that the education system nowadays lack of serving the nation well. In An Education System Worthy of Malaysia, Malaysian-born M. Bakri Musa, a well-known surgeon and writer who writes frequently on issues affecting his native land, claims his view on the scarcity of the education system implemented in our nation now. He presents his own observation and experiences in the form of essay in which he shares his arguments and analysis of the education system

  • Workplace Bullying Case Study

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    INTRODUCTION Workplace bullying is now a dilemma that is too expensive to ignore. Bullying in the workplace can create a hostile work environment, which makes people miserable and hurts work productivity. According to Lapierre, Spector and Leck, (2005), those who are obvious sufferers of workplace bullying reported highly overall job dissatisfaction. Similarly, those who bear aggression from their supervisors report high levels of job dissatisfaction. (Tepper, 2000). BACKGROUND OF STUDY

  • Apostasy Essay

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    Apostasy and Article 11 of the Federal Constitution: Personal Choice or Third Party Confirmation? 1.0 Introduction “Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spiritual are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide,” said Harry S. Truman. Religion or spiritual belief is a vast idea within the mind of every human being those who believes on his almighty Creator. Freedom of religion and conscience is the oldest version of internationally recognized

  • Key Fathers Of Evolution Essay

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    Evolution and natural selection can be summarized by the Oxford definition as the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. It hindsight, these definitions may seem somewhat trivial and part of common sense, but the development and understanding of these theories can be significantly more complex and mysterious. These consequences are even important in today’s scientific pursuits as the terms natural selection and evolution are often

  • Maintaining Harmony In Society

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    As a famous quote by Doug Floyd: You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note. This clearly shows that every individual has to play their own role in the society to unite the nation. Looking around the globe, we have numerous of countries of different ethnicity and tradition. Malaysia is the land of multilingual, multiracial, multicultural and multi-religious societies. However we still live in harmony without any conflicts and bloodshed. For example, Malaysia is a nation well-known for

  • Reflection Of Reading Malcolm X

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    piece. But Alhamdulillah here I am writing the reflection right after finishing reading the book. So the whole story of Malcolm x life is about racial prejudice towards his kind – Afro Americans. Since birth, every day in his life, he feels the dilemma being a Negro. Reading chapter 1 makes me really sad knowing his father get assassinated since he was small. The factor of assassination is related to racism. Starting from that, everything started to fall apart and his mother went insane. I almost

  • Three Concentric Circles by Braj Kachru

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    History of Hong Kong Education. In Siu, F.H. & Ku, S.A. (Ed.), Hong Kong Mobile: Making a Global Population. (pp. 293-325).Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press Li, C.S. (2009). Towards ‘biliteracy and trilingualism’ in Hong Kong (SAR): problems, dilemmas and stakeholders’ views. AILA Review, 22, 72-84. Media of Hong Kong.(n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 3, 2014, from: html Suen, M.Y. (2008). Speech at the symposium on medium of instruction. Retrieved

  • Business Ethics Across Cultures

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    INTRODUCTION Culture can be seen as a basis for understanding and assessment of human activities and areas of interest, and has been defined by many scholars in different aspects. However, they still have many similarities which often reflect the religious and historical. In the past fifty years, there have been dramatic growths in the economic and political communications across the country, and the immigrants result interleaving or collision across cultures (Tung, 2008). As a result, if the decision

  • Analysis Of The Singapore Story

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    Introduction The two interpretations of the Singapore Story overlap in their presentation of our nation-building history. A similar purpose lies behind both presentations, for the ultimate goal is to foster national cohesion, pride and belonging among citizens, but they are certainly not identical. Where the differences lie are not mutually exclusive. The two interpretations articulate different means to the same end, since I argue that they are directed at difference target audiences. The Singapore

  • Gender Representation in Advertisements

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    gay women are represented versus straight women, but I found that it is quite similar given that the women most often look the same and are portrayed in a artificial way. Works Cited Lim, Weng M., and Ding H. Ting. "The Construction of Beauty in Malay Magazine Advertisements." Contemporary Management Research, Sept. 2011. Web. Moeran, Brian. "Advertising and the Technology of Enchantment: The Portrayal of Beauty in Women's Fashion Magazines." Copenhagen Business School, June

  • The Importance Of Passion For History

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    History, or Sejarah in the Malay Language, is always a traumatic experience for most of the students in Malaysian schools. Have we ever pondered how many students actually enjoy learning history ? There are only three answers to be delivered which are yes, no or I don’t even have time to think about that. Yet amidst our uncertainty over this question, we are still pushing and squeezing our students to learn history merely for them to pass the SPM examination, a pre-requisite to them earning their

  • The Formation of a Global Community

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    Globalization, Tourism, and Terrorism: The Formation of a Global Community Throughout the past thirty years traveling tourists have had the opportunity to travel all over the world and discover a variety of different cultures. This incredible opportunity has been facilitated by the developments of tourist friendly locales all over the world in remote areas of the globe such, Madagascar, Easter Island (off the coast of Chile), Bali, and more recently the Mentawai Islands off the coast of Sumatra