The Drowsy Chaperone Essays

  • Unpacking The Humor in 'The Drowsy Chaperone'

    993 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alanys Chavez Come One, Come All to The Drowsy Chaperone The play that I saw was The Drowsy Chaperone, directed by Michael Wise. My overall impression of this play was that it was exceptionally amusing! The set was quite simple, a small chair to the left of the stage with a record player, records, a lamp desk and an old phone. There were backdrop structures that could be moved to create different scenes, simple and functional. I expected this play to have a very simple plot, as this is what my professor

  • Essay on Setting in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    Importance of Setting in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening The season is winter, the time is night, but, . . .the scene, we are reminded four times over, is a wood. Woods, especially when as here they are "lovely, dark and deep," are much more seductive to Frost than is an open field. In fact, the woods are not merely "lovely, dark, and deep." Rather, as Frost states it, they are "lovely, [i.e.] dark and deep"; the loveliness thereby partakes of the depth and darkness which make the woods so

  • Emily Anne Rigal Book Report

    585 Words  | 2 Pages

    Emily-Anne Rigal Table of Contents Introduction Page 1 Activism Page 2 Emily-Anne Rigal Page 3 Sources Page 4 Introduction Imagine your friend being bullied. You know what to do, but you don’t know how to say it. Emily-Anne Rigal was bullied althrought elementary school and now she wants to stop bullying. In this book, you will learn a lot about activism and Emily. 1 pg Activism Have you ever heard of the word activism? Or have you ever wanted to stop

  • Lin Manuel Miranda Essay

    2403 Words  | 5 Pages

    Lin-Manuel Miranda Brings Life onto a Latino Stage Tony winning composer-lyricist, Lin-Manuel Miranda, said that, "Life is like a play, and a script can be created with each experience lived". His father always told him, "Lin be successful you must study." (Univision) That's because he always liked best the arts, music, and other afterschool activities. His parents helped him realize that an education was necessary and that his dreams would come true by finishing his studies and with