The Day After Essays

  • The Analysis of 'The Day after Tomorrow'

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    The Analysis of 'The Day after Tomorrow' ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ starring Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal was the long awaited big money blockbuster from the world renowned director, Roland Emmerich. Emmerich’s previous accomplishments include the hugely popular hits Independence Day and Godzilla. Although immensely successful both films follow a pretty similar basic, bland story line. Essentially both plots are just mass destruction and the eventual defeat of a fictitious enemy by a male

  • The Day After Tomorrow: Remediating Global Warming

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    involves the destruction of western civilization. Emmerich uses a combination of heart-stopping visual and sound effects to attract the audience, which consists of movie-goers interested in science-fictional and suspenseful movies. Since Emmerich’s The Day After Tomorrow contains an obvious environmental message, his audience also includes scientists and people interested in the topic of global warming. He selectively chooses special effects in order to create or portray a certain feeling or moment he wants

  • Jan Struther's Mrs. Miniver

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    are shown in events with her family before the war, during the war when her family is separated, and after the war when they reunite again. Struther shows Mrs. Miniver’s gaiety and liveliness in light that she is oblivious to the impending war that will deeply affect her life. Mrs. Miniver and her family have the same troubles and pleasures like many other families. One of these pleasures is the day that their new car is scheduled to arrive. The family is excited and is anticipating the beautiful color

  • Ordeal by Cheque: The life of Jr

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    The kid. Tony thought back, remembering everything he could, all the way to the very beginning. Lawrence Exeter Junior had been born in the heat of the day on September 2, 1903. He was different from the day he was born. His rich parents sensed something was wrong, for parents usually can sense things about their child. Therefore, the day after he was born, Marie and Lawrence Exeter took the newborn to Dr. David McCoy for a check-up. The doctor said that the baby was as healthy as a horse, and there

  • Tristan Monologue

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    wound was turned into a hole in the skin after the plasma instantly evaporated. It took several hours to stop the bleeding using a cloth. As Elise’s father was resting, she went to find some valuables that might have been with the dead body that she had killed. Unfortunately, the body was gone and she came back empty handed. As soon as Elise came back, my father and I talked about the missing body and the ways we can leave this foul planet. The next day, they met a girl named Tristana. She told

  • The Day After

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Day After The Day After, was viewed in the living room of my house on two occasions. The purpose of viewing this movie is to write a movie critique from my AP U.S. History 3rd block class. The objective of this overall story is to portray the event and effects that would occur if there were to be a nuclear war. The director of The Day After, is Nicholas Myer and the producer is Robert A. Papazian. The three main characters in this film include Dr. Russell Oakes played by Jason Robards, Stephen

  • The Day After

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    The Day After (1983) The Day After was an effective way of instilling a sense of both fear and respect for nuclear war into the minds of the American people. By portraying realistic doomsday scenarios that are played out in the lives of relatable families in a small city not unlike any other we would find in America, this film contextualizes the events prior to, during, and immediately after nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia was unleashed onto our own soil. Background Nuts

  • The Escort

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    It was a hot summer day, the sun floundering every terrace with its burning waves. I was with Sam, at his terrace, playing with those plastic tubes that spread water everywhere as we squeeze them. It was among the happiest moments of my summer vacation, which was not that long, for it was only two Sundays a month, the rest was at the daunting and exhausting mill of my master or patron. Sam and I were bond by a sturdy friendship crowned with the innocence of the early childhood that I miss greatly

  • "Derailed" - Packed With Suspense and Surprises

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    suddenly involves in something he would not imagine; having an affair, being terribly blackmailed, and wanted by the police for a murder, all because he misses his usual train to work one day. Charles Schine, a husband to a schoolteacher named Deanna and a father of Anna, his adolescent daughter who suffers diabetes. One day, he is late for work, so he rushes to catch his usual train. As the ticket inspector asks for his ticket which he forgets to buy, he finds himself penniless. Suddenly, an alluring woman

  • Persuasive Essay On Bad Driving

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    the speed limit that day?” This pestering question inside my head morphed itself into a monster, consuming my entire being. This entity could not be cured by talking to a therapist, journaling, or even exercising. This monster morphed itself into the bad habit that I have today. I no longer ask myself this question daily, instead I tend to drive with a lead foot. 13,000 lives are lost in accidents which the speed of a vehicle was a factor, yet if I did speed to work that day, I could have saved a

  • The Day After Christmas: A Christmas Day After Christmas

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    Christmas comes around once each year but there is a lot to do before Christmas Day. Christmas Day is December 25th and usually people start counting down the days till Christmas starting on December 1st. Of course, my family is different. We start counting down the days till Christmas right after Thanksgiving Day. Christmas is by far my favorite holiday for various reasons, one being that I love decorating our Christmas tree. Another thing I love to do is make Christmas goodies with my family. Lastly

  • Day After Tomorrow: Character Analysis: The Day After Tomorrow

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    The movie The Day After Tomorrow is about a paleoclimatologist’s, a person who studies past climates, concerns of how a shift in the world’s climate could cause catastrophic disasters to happen throughout the world. The way that The Day After Tomorrow perceives scientists is that they are determined and they often times have to make difficult decisions. In the movie the character Jack Hall, the paleoclimatologist, displays these two characteristics. Scientists work very hard and are determined

  • The Day After Getting Drunk

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    The Day After I’ll never forget that night, wait I don’t even remember that night! All I remember was getting to the point where there was no way I could even think of driving. Some designated driver I was, luckily my friend didn’t drink much that Saturday night or it would have been the taxi for us. That might not have been such a bad thing, but what would I have written about if that had happened? The night ended very late, with enough liquor and beer in my stomach to get five people trashed

  • Critique of The Day After Tomorrow

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critique of The Day After Tomorrow The movie, The Day After Tomorrow, addresses the issue of global warming. The movie?s portrayal of the events caused by global warming was extreme and not very believable. Some of the information is backed up by science but most is completely off the wall and nonrealistic. The movie cited the cause of the global climate change to be the rise in temperature due to greenhouse gasses. The warmer temperatures caused the polar ice caps to melt, and the increased

  • The Day After Trinity Analysis

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    Film: The Day After Trinity General Observations: The documentary is about Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist, credited for the invention of the atomic bomb. The atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Oppenheimer used to not be politically active until the war. He is known to be a left wing while his family members joined the communist. He is a jew and also has a lot of European friends living where the Nazis are. It is interesting to see how people think Oppenheimer’s political actions

  • Day After Tomorrow Reflection

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    The movie Day After Tomorrow which is directed by Roland Emmerich is about how the earth’s climate change can lead to natural disasters such as massive superstorms, tsunamis, floods and earthquakes which could wipe the human population from the planet. How does this relate to the world we live today? The answer to this question would be global warming, also known as the greenhouse effect. Global warming has changed the climate of this planet vastly in the last 20 years. The movie is an example of

  • The Day After Tomorrow Film Analysis

    1919 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Day After Tomorrow is a popular science-fiction film released in 2004. The film tells the story of a paleoclimatoligist who uses a paleoclimatic computer model to predict that continued global warming will result in the shutdown of the thermohaline circulation and subsequently, rapid global cooling. He warns other of the consequences if global emissions and consumption rates do not decrease, but his warnings are unheeded, his predictions become a reality, and extreme natural disaster events begin

  • College Admissions Essay: The Day After Tomorrow

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    Through my father’s TV blaring The Day After Tomorrow, my brother’s banging Hans Zimmer’s “Time” on the piano, and my mother and me washing the dishes, I hear two succinct, successive music notes in the background: a high C, rest, then a lower C. I continue to dry a pot, until I hear the elusive notes again, and I pause with a pensive look on my face. “What?” My mother asks. I respond with the usual, automated response: “Nothing.” But, this time, “nothing” equated to more than just confusion

  • Differences Between The Crucible And The Day After Tomorrow

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    countless films, where an idea was discussed or shown that educated society. Genres such as literature, theater, and film influenced today’s society as demonstrated by the movies the Crucible, which addressed false accusations with no proof, and The Day After Tomorrow, which addressed the debated issue of global warming’s effects. To begin with, the Crucible, a 1996 film, was based on the book by Arthur Miller which. The book was written as a play during the 1950s, during the time when people were accused

  • Compare and Contrast The Day After Tomorrow and Outbreak

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    Which of these movies provides a more effective wake-up call about impending global catastrophes? “The Day After Tomorrow” and “Outbreak” both raise important concerns regarding the world that we live in. The first movie seems to serve mainly as a warning that as a people of this planet we need to do everything in our power to stop destroying our world. “Outbreak” demonstrates the vulnerability of the United States and for that matter all nations of the world in dealing with large epidemics. Though