Tammy Homolka Essays

  • Serial Killers: The Homolka Case

    1130 Words  | 3 Pages

    Synopsis of Homolka Case Karla Homolka is a Canadian convicted serial killer. In May of 1993, after working out a plea bargain with the Crown, she was sentenced to 12 years with 2 counts of manslaughter, to which she pleaded guilty in exchange for testifying against her husband and partner in crime, Paul Bernardo. Without her testimony, there would not have been enough evidence to convict him. In 1991, Homolka took part in the rape-murder of 14 year old Leslie Mahaffy and then the rape-murder of

  • Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka: Canadian Rapists/Murderers

    1970 Words  | 4 Pages

    Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka: Canadian Rapists/Murderers Paul Bernardo was a well liked child by all the parents in the neighbourhood, he was pleasant and friendly.  Although, when he was a sixteen, he got into an argument with his mother and she told him about how he was a illegitimate child and showed him the picture of his real father for whom she had an affair with.  Paul was devastated and after the incident he did not get along with his mother.  He started to hang around a tough crowd

  • Karla Homolka Research Paper

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    Karla Homolka is a prime example of a person who has committed a violent crime. The story of who Karla Homolka is and what she had done is very well known, not just in Canada but all over North America. After hearing the story of what her and Paul Bernardo did many people would wonder why, why and how could two people commit such violent acts. There are many theories that criminologists could use to try and explain the reasoning behind the actions of Karla Homolka, one would like to believe that

  • Karla Homolka Essay

    1093 Words  | 3 Pages

    Canadian couple Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo met in 1987 when Paul was twenty three years old and Karla was seventeen years old. The couple instantly became sexually obsessed with one another. Karla was very encouraging when it came to Paul’s sadistic sexual behavior and he enjoyed that. She would also encourage his fantasies towards other women and not only approved his behavior but even praised it. He would verbally and physically abuse her and she liked it. The twisted attraction between the

  • The Universal Language of Art

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    I’m infatuated with art, and by art I mean music, poetry, paintings, the human body, and literature; all of this is art to me. I believe that art is what brings us all together; as a young child that is what I was taught in school. During Art and Music class it did not matter how popular you were or even if you were a loner you were included and everyone was equal. I played flute for about ten years and during those ten years I gained another family. A family that made me feel safe at school

  • Case Analysis: Paul Bernardo And Karla Homolka

    1440 Words  | 3 Pages

    Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka Case Analysis Colette Ouattara Wright State University Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka are serial rapists and murderers known for the heinous crimes they committed as husband and wife. Prior to meeting, Paul was seen as the “perfect” child. He was a high achieving student, polite, and always happy. No one ever suspect that he harbored such dark and vile sexual fantasies. May 4, 1987, Paul brutally attacked and raped a 21-year-old woman he followed

  • The Anomie Theory Of Problems With Juvenile Crimes

    2721 Words  | 6 Pages

    One of the biggest problems which the United States is faced with is juvenile crime. The reason experts feel juvenile 's commit crimes is because of risk factors when they were younger but experts still have not found the main reason why juvenile 's commit crimes. Some risk factors associated with juvenile crime are poverty, repeated exposure to violence, drugs, easy access to firearms, unstable family life and family violence, delinquent peer groups, and media violence. There are persistent patterns

  • Serial Killers In Toronto

    1580 Words  | 4 Pages

    will be done by utilizing knowledge and concepts obtained through the Serial Killers Topic course offered through the University of South Florida. The two killers being analyzed are Paul Bernardo and his wife Karal Homolka, accused and convicted of raping and murder three women; Tammy Homolka, Tina McCarthy (based on Leslie Mahaffy) and Kaitlyn Ross (based on Kristen French). INTRODUCTION In 1987 a killer love story was

  • Scarborough Rapists

    1223 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many reason why an individual might decide to commit crime. There are many theorist that would try and explain the reason behind such immortal acts, to some it’s an act out of necessities and to others its lack of support and guidance. This paper will look at Paul Bernardo’s (The Scarborough Rapist) case and the different theories that could be used to explain his case. The three main Theorist this paper will focus on are Reckless’ Containment Theory, Hervey M. Cleckle the Mask of Sanity

  • Compare And Contrast Rosemary Lett And Karla Homolka

    1587 Words  | 4 Pages

    What would you be willing to do for the person you love? The answer varies for everyone but for two women the answer was the same, they would be willing to kill. Although Frederick West,Rosemary Letts,Paul Bernardo, and Karla Homolka were all born and raised in different places and by different people they all have one thing in common, they choose to kill. In this paper i will analyze and compare how two different couples could both abduct and kill together. Frederick West was born in the town of