Surplus store Essays

  • Essay On Marxism

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    explaining the actions of a billion dollar multinational company because of its focus Wage-Labor, Surplus Value and Alienation. By sharing with the reader the reasons why Wal-Mart should be considered a threat to our society by using Marx theories, I hope to bring attention the true cost of getting things for a bargain. For the purpose of this paper I will be focusing on his theories about Wage-Labor, Surplus Value and Alienation and using them to explain Wal-Marts actions. Throughout the course of his

  • Understanding the Industrial Reserve Army: A Marxian Perspective

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    The industrial reserve army is the legion of workers in an economy lying in wait. It consists of part of the population that is constantly changing both in size and the elements to which it is made of. Also referred to as the relative surplus population, it comes from the accumulation of capital within the capitalist system. According to Marxian theory it plays a couple of key roles in a capitalist economy. The industrial reserve army is comprised 4 elements, called forms by Marx*, 3 of the forms

  • Marxism Isn't Dead

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    against Ronald Aronson's recent claim that because Marxists are 'unable to point to a social class or movement' away from capitalism, Marxism is 'over' 'as a project of historical transformation.' First, Marx's account of the forced extraction of surplus labor remains true. It constitutes an indictment of the process of capital accumulation because defenses of capitalism's right to profit based on productive contribution are weak. If generalized, the current cooperative movement, well advanced in

  • Strengths And Strengths Of Marx's Analysis Of Capitalism

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    Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Marx’s analysis of capitalism. Marx’s explanation of capitalism is a widely recognised theory in a political, economic and social sense. His analysis of capitalism aims to explain how individuals allocate themselves and their resources to satisfy their basic human needs. He believes that the production of goods can be characterised by two main features: forces of production and relations of production. The forces of production refer to the ways in which people

  • Two Marxist Objections to Exploitation

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    Two Marxist Objections to Exploitation ABSTRACT: I argue that we can find in Marx two objections to exploitation: (i) an entitlement objection according to which it is wrongful because of the unjust distribution of benefits and burdens it generates; and (ii) an expressivist objection according to which it is objectionable because of the kind of social relation it is. The expressivist objection is predicated on a communitarian strand in Marx's thought, whereas the entitlement objection is grounded

  • Marx's Theory of Money and the Theory of Value

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    Marx's Theory of Money and the Theory of Value The most important point to emerge from Marx's theory of money is the idea that money is a form of value. The difficulty with this idea is that we are more familiar with money itself than with value in other forms. But value does appear in forms other than money. For example, the balance sheet of a capitalist firm estimates the value of goods in process and of fixed capital which has not yet been depreciated, as well as the value of inventories of

  • Capitalism And Capitalism Essay

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    Capitalism, the foundation of the American economy, is a system characterized by the privatization of the means of production. This system includes wage labor, competitive market, private sector employment, and the overall goal of gaining a profit. Capitalism, though relatively normalized and seen as the standard practice in the economic systems of the world, is a system that gives power to the wealthy and strips away at the proletariat class’ ability to rise in the social and economic hierarchy

  • Having A Price Floor Essay

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    in supply of food in the market. With the price floor in place and the EU being a food importer, the sudden shift in supply caused a surplus of food production. The price floor could not be main-tained with a tariff and so the EU had to purchase surplus food. Initially the EU stored the food but then had to result to ‘dumping’. This is when the EU would buy the surplus food and sell it for cheaper abroad . The EU’s food dumping drove down world prices which infuriated the world’s largest exporters

  • Labor in Society

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    Marx holds firmly that capitalism is not natural, neutral, or inevitable. For the division in the factory, Marx would count all of Smith’s arguments about the rationality of this mode as increases in efficiency, and thus (usually) of ‘relative surplus value’.

  • Karl Marx's Theory of Surplus Labour

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    Karl Marx's Theory of Surplus Labour For Marx surplus labour is the extra labour produced by a worker for his employer, to be put towards capital accumulation. The worker must do this work to keep his job but otherwise gains nothing by it. By helping the accumulation of capital he contributes to the cycle of mechanization and division of labour, which allow for fewer workers to do more work, thus adding to the competition between workers, and lowering their wages. Yet despite how it will contribute

  • The Causes Of The 2008 Global Financial Crisis

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    This is a crucial factor for what caused the 2008 Global Financial Crisis: as the ratio of capital value to variable value was increasing at a faster rate than the rate of surplus value for many years in the lead up to the crisis (Bowman 2009). Thus, business profits had been in steady decline in the years leading up to the GFC and it was inevitable that as long as the rate of profits continued to fall then a financial collapse

  • Essay On Drug Shortage

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    Section I The United States is encountering a speedily accumulative incidence of drug shortages. This has caused abundant complications for health care facilities, clinicians, their patients, and federal regulators. Drug shortages are determined to be caused by multiple factors such as, business decisions, regulatory issues, disturbances within the supply chain, difficulties in acquiring raw materials, and manufacturing issues. These problems adversely affect patient care because it causes substitutions

  • Karl Marx - Capitalist Alienation

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    own day as inherently exploitive. At the core of capitalist production is what is considered surplus value, the value left over after the producer (in Marx’s case, factory owner) had paid the fixed costs of production such as raw materials, machinery, overhead and wages. The left over amount was kept as profit, a profit that Marx saw that was earned from the sweat of the labor. Derived from his idea of surplus value was that of alienation. Marx gave an economic interpretation to alienation. People were

  • Karl Marx Alienation

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    In this essay I will examine Karl Marx’s theory of alienation. Firstly I will explain Karl Marx’s views on human society, capitalism and how it leads to alienation. After explaining alienation I will discuss it more in depth, to do so I will primarily look at three main aspects of alienation. The first aspect being one’s alienation from their own work. From here I will discuss the second aspect which is one’s alienation from themselves. Lastly I will discuss the third aspect; how workers were alienated

  • Marx Alienation Essay

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    Marx first discussed his alienation theory in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844[1], mainly talking about the types of human relations that are not controlled by their participants and the consequent results. This theory represents his research findings of bourgeois economics theory, which is central to all of Marx’s earlier philosophical writings and as a social phenomenon still informs his later work. Alienation means separation of people from things that naturally belong to them

  • Does The Internet Make You Smarter Analysis

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    “Does the Internet Make You Smarter?” 
In the article “Does The Internet Make you Smarter?” the author, Clay Shirky is an American writer, consultant and teacher on the social and economic effects
 of Internet technologies. He states his argument about whether or not the internet is making society smarter and whether it enhances the success individuals achieve in life. To do this, he uses surveys as evidence and his past experiences on the effects of internet on society to persuade his audience

  • Shoplifting Effects on The Community

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    in the local neighborhood.In this essay I'm going to explain some of the circumstances of stealing from local stores, or any store. After I've been caught stealing I found out how wrong it is and how it is a disadvantage to everyone. The stores are tying to crack down on shoplifters by making the punishments as strict as possible. Shoplifting effects the community in a big way. The stores get about three cents per every dollar purchased for an item. So if you figure that they don't make a whole

  • Ouija Boards

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    device used to supposedly ask questions of and receive answers from a seemingly supernatural force. Using a ouija board has become a controversial subject. Some people regard them as "evil" or a "tool of the Devil", yet they continue to be sold in stores along Scrabble and Monopoly as a game. The Ouija board was invented in the early 1890's by William Fuld. It is now sold by Parker Brothers. A ouija board is a small board with various symbols printed on its surface. These symbols include all letters

  • Urban Survey of Vancouver

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    that men and women go in there in suits, but we know that is where the business is handled. The usual work hours for offices from 9 am to 6 pm. I think another element would be the shopping malls and the large number of stores in Downtown area. There is a large variety of stores, no matter what you are looking for you will find it here for sure. Everything that people require to satisfy themselves, starting from clothes and ending with food. This show that this branch of the city is an important

  • Chocolate Store

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    Chocolate Store Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory or RMCF for short is a franchise store with the parent company located in Durango, Colorado which was established in 1981.There are many different Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factories around the U.S. and there are a few in Michigan.There is the one I work at in Somerset Mall in Troy, one at Lakeside Mall in Sterling Heights and another one at Great Lakes Crossing to name a few.The particular store that I work in has been there for 3 ½ years (since