Summer camps Essays

  • Summer Camp Personal Statement

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    of six summers hiking, cooking, orienteering, and practicing archery on the trails of Huddart Park, California, summer camp became a very precious time of my life. When I entered high school, I began working as a Unit Aide at my camp which meant I had the privilege to now teach young girls a whole slew of tasks such as survival skills, first aid, and knife skills. While attending Woodside Priory High School, I heard about similar activities such as archery and overnights that Mountain Camp counselors

  • Summer Camps: Misconceptions

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    What does going to “summer camp” really mean? The phrase “summer camp” means many different things to many different people. It has been portrayed in T.V. and in movies as a place with clumsy counselors and nerdy campers. It is also stereotyped as a setting where awkward teenage romance comes to blossom. Having been a summer camper myself I've found neither of these Hollywood notions to be accurate. There is much misinformation as to what summer camp truly is and what it is not. This report intends

  • Lessons Learned at Summer Camp

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    Lessons Learned at Summer Camp Gazing up at the clouds, I thought of all the great times I had been a part of. The whole week had been full of excitement. Every day was a payoff of all of the work put into this experience. "Did it have to end so quickly?" I wondered to myself. "Just think of next year", I said to comfort my disbelief, "Its going to be ten times the fun. I'll make sure of that." After what seemed like years of waiting, the day of camp finally arrived. I hastily packed

  • Will My Child be Okay at a Summer Camp?

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    Will My Child be Okay at a Summer Camp? With the thought of summer camp comes the recollection of cabins filled overstuffed with bunk beds, campfires, and mess hall meals with the loads of friends we met at the opening dance. Summer camp is a childhood memory for many of us, one that changed our youth, usually for the better. Such camp memories and activities still hold true today, even for children with disabilities. The inclusive classroom that takes place during the school year has now

  • Christian Summer Camp Creates Resilient Children

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    forward to more than summer vacation. I couldn’t wait to laze around in the sun, sleep in and play all day. I got to spend time with my friends and my cousins at our family’s lake cabin up north. I had the opportunity to attend a Christian summer camp one year. I spent a week at Flaming Pine Youth Camp where we were not allowed to wear shorts, sleeveless shirts or walk to the beach without a cover up. As my oldest child grew up, my cousin suggested that I send him to the camp where she was assistant

  • Summer at Spy Camp: Hannah's Journey

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    and supported them. Her dad worked as a government spy so he has to fight a lot. Now Hannah has to learn to fight so she can defend herself. The camp is for children of the spies and a long way from home. Spies have to leave their kids at the camp for summer and never visit, so the kids don’t become emotional. Hannah has been going there for four summers. Hannah’s brothers

  • Free College Admissions Essays: Summer Camp Entrepreneur

    898 Words  | 2 Pages

    Summer Camp Entrepreneur The first wedding that I planned was in no way a traditional wedding. Ten eager little girls decorated the printed invitations with sequins, buttons, and markers. The same energetic hands prepared the wedding feast, consisting of bagged lunches, blintz soufflé, and of course a layer cake. On the big day I looked around with excitement. Again, I noticed something odd about this wedding. All the participants and guests appeared about four feet high. The "groom" had long

  • My Summer as A Counselor In Training at Camp Morasha

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    My Summer as A Counselor In Traing at Camp Morasha Over the past few years, I have overcome many challenges. But the one that stands out in my mind the most occurred this past summer while I was working as a Counselor-in-Training at Camp Morasha. I, along with 40 other people my age, was assigned to bunks of kids ranging from ages eight to fifteen. I can still remember looking up at the list and seeing that I had been assigned to a bunk of nine and ten year olds. I felt violated because I felt

  • Sleep-away Summer Camps: A Barrier to Parent-Child Bonding

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    Parents, have you ever considered sending your child to a summer sleep-away camp? Most parents have and it’s a tough decision to make when it comes to your child. You may have heard the other parents talking about how their children had ‘such a fun time’ and about how great the camp is. Going to a sleep-away camp is a negative experience for your child because you miss out on valuable bonding time and it can be a scary experience for both you and your child. You have enjoyed bonding with your child

  • Summer Camp Memo

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    Page 1: El Paso, TX & Surrounding Areas, Summer Camp - If you're looking for a fun and exciting place in El Paso, TX, to send your kids this summer, look no further than JC Day Care 2. As an established summer camp, our friendly staff is dedicated to helping your child make the most out of their free time. Not only do we offer a range of athletic activities to help them burn off their energy, but we also encourage the children to participate in

  • Personal Experience as a 4H Extension Agent

    2275 Words  | 5 Pages

    communities. Now in my fourth year, I have begun to reap some of the benefits from my previous three years of successful efforts. The summer camping season peaks with five summer day camp opportunities, up from three in 2010. Day camps offered an affordable but quality learning environment for younger youth. Each year Kanawha County provides two residential camps serving roughly 160 youth. The number of residential campers increased from 150 in 2010 to 164 in 2013. Continued efforts to provide

  • Free College Admissions Essays: Jewish Self-discovery

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    Self-discovery "Sarah, we need your help in the Ukraine this summer. Can I count on you?" This question changed my life profoundly. I was asked to be a counselor on JOLT, Jewish Oversees Leadership Program, an opportunity to interact with young campers in an impoverished country and positively influence their lives. Little did I realize that this experience would impact mine so greatly. JOLT, an outreach program, runs an annual overnight summer camp in the Ukraine with counselors from the United States

  • Personal Narrative: How Kanakuk Has Changed My Life

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    experiences. Kanakuk was one of those experiences that has changed my destiny. I could never imagine how this two-week long summer camp has changed my life. Over the past ten years, I have spent 140 days at different Kanakuk Kamps. Kanakuk is a Christian-based sports camp located in Branson, Missouri. In 1926, Kanakuk was created for young men to come to a summer camp and learn

  • Field Experience Essay

    1341 Words  | 3 Pages

    I decided to volunteer at a summer day camp for a few days. I was surprised to see how many connections to education I was able to make throughout the course of that experience. Field Experience: Jefferson Parks and Rec. Department The Jefferson City Parks and Rec. Department hosts a daytime summer camp, along with several other extracurricular sports camps. The day camp runs from 6:30 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening when most children get picked up. This camp is ideal for

  • Personal Narrative- Transformation from Child to Teenager

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    restful sleep. I remember summers from my junior high school days. The images are yellow, orange, warm, and happy. Endless summer vacations, the sun almost unbearable with its cruel heat. A time when swimwear wasn’t a terrifying thought, flabby thighs, and see through bikinis were things I was oblivious to. My parents were endless sources of ice-cream cones and drinks, not the embarrassing, overprotective people they have become. Every year I would go to summer camp, my sister, our two best friends

  • Recommendation Letter

    750 Words  | 2 Pages

    Maya Zein-El-Abdin is currently on staff at Westside Tennis Academy as a Junior Tennis Coach and I can assure you that she is undoubtedly one of the best young coaches in our Academy. Based on my experiences with Maya as a player and an employee over the years, I enthusiastically and fervently recommend Maya for admission into your graduate epidemiology program. I am the Head Coach and Co-Owner of Westside Tennis Academy at the Westside Tennis and Fitness Club in Houston. The Westside Tennis Academy

  • The Pain of Growing Up

    710 Words  | 2 Pages

    stood in that cold parking lot, staring at my sibling, all my previous notions of college were smashed. I had always viewed it as a sort of extended summer camp. You go there for a while and you have fun doing whatever you do at college and when you come back at the end, it is great to see your family again, and you say goodbye to all your camp friends and h...

  • Educational Technology Autobiography

    1540 Words  | 4 Pages

    I became familiar with the use of overheads, televisions, calculators, and computers, for educational technological purposes. Each summer, while I was in Elementary School, my mother made me practice typing, where I became very familiar with a (hateful) program called Mavis Beacon. Moreover, during the summer before I entered Middle School I opted to take a Summer Camp on computers, where I learned to ... ... middle of paper ... ...unctuation and grammar, as well as provide them with a thesaurus

  • An Act of Courage

    3420 Words  | 7 Pages

    professional baseball despite the fact that he was born without a right hand. Whenever I see Jim pitch, I am reminded of something that happened when I was about 8 or 9 at summer camp. Before that summer, I had always felt pity for people who were physically challenged especially Justin Berger. Justin, a boy in my age group at Camp Wayne, who was born with some kind of illness that prevented him from controlling the movements of his left hand. I never teased him or talked badly about him to others;

  • My Philosophy of Teaching

    501 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Philosophy of Teaching The decision to become a teacher was one that I made when I was in the ninth grade. When I entered high school I worked at a summer camp every year with disadvantaged children. The children ages ranged from six years old to sixteen years old. The feeling that I received when I saw that I could make a difference in their lives was so rewarding that I knew I wanted to become a teacher. I grew up as the youngest of six children, finishing high school was very important