Sufjan Stevens Essays

  • I Love You Honeybear Analysis

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    Josh Tillman, a.k.a. Father John Misty, is a man who sees himself as a kind of modern day prophet for skepticism and cynicism. One would be hard-pressed to find a more unique, modern musician. He carries himself with a kind of raw, mountain-man type crudity, which is then manifested in his violently honest and intelligent lyrics. Specifically in reference to his latest album, ‘I Love You, Honeybear,’ one finds an honest, self-aware, yet pervasively cynical Tillman. The anti-hero in a love album which

  • Sufjan Stevens Eclectic Musical Style In The Recording Industry

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    Sufjan Stevens has become known for his eclectic musical style over the course of his 15-years in the recording industry, bouncing from genre to genre with each new album. Releasing more than seven studio albums in that time, his sound has encompassed everything from electronica to lo-fi folk, pulling inspiration from everywhere. Read on to find out more about Sufjan Stevens, and look out for part two of our list, coming soon. Number Fifteen: Sufjan Stevens Co-Founded a Record Label Stevens, along

  • Death in Poetry

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    Death in Poetry Numerous themes are found in poetry. One recurring theme that we have encountered this year is death. It is the main focus of Stevens' "The Emperor of Ice-Cream," Frost's "After Apple-Picking," and Whitman's "The Wound-Dresser" and is hinted at in many other poems. This essay will discuss how the different poets treat the subject differently in relation to various aspects of composition, such as style, form, theme, tone, imagery, metaphor, and diction. Whitman describes

  • Regrets in The Remains of the Day

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    Darlington Hall, Stevens (butler) begins a solitary motor trip through which he embarks on a harrowing journey through his own memory. It is on this journey, a motif which is used as a deceptive structural device, that Stevens begins to first question his Lord’s greatness and the meaning of his service. The farther Stevens travels from Darlington Hall, it seems, the closer he comes to fully understanding his life, then sets in the regrets. Upon arriving to the conclusion of Stevens’ journey, literal

  • Remains of the Day

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    struggles one man, Mr. Stevens, has with relationships with his father, Miss Kenton and his employer, but the struggle he focuses on the most is to be a “great butler.” He pushes himself physically to work as hard as he can, as well as mentally to determine what makes a butler great. Stevens sacrifices all normal human encounters with those around him in order to be an emotionless person. “When one encounters them, one simply knows one is in the presence of greatness” (44). Stevens, through many trials

  • Magical Realism and Psychology

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    moving images, based on a significant thought which may be either conscious or unconscious" (Hearne and Melbourne 42). Anthony Stevens says, "from the standpoint of dream psychology, the most extraordinary capacity of the human psyche is it's genius for fabricating images" (176). He states an image becomes a symbol when it is endowed with meaning (176). According to Stevens, "Dream an art,... ... middle of paper ... ...reams. Magical realism has probably become popular due to

  • Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg and The Pianist, Directed by Roman Polanski

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    Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg and The Pianist, Directed by Roman Polanski The holocaust is seen as a time of horror, filled with brutal, inhuman actions carried out by the Nazi party. Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg, is one of the most realistic movies to show the gruesome shock of the concentration camps and torture of Jews. Spielberg captured the true essences of what pain was during World War Two. In 2002, Roman Polanski came out with The Pianist, a movie that

  • A Close Reading of Pages 100 to 115 of The Remains of the Day

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    a man called Stevens, (a model English butler). Stevens narrates the novel and Ishiguro writes in such a way that the reader is able to examine intersections of his memory, national history, politics of the era, and the way language is used to express emotion or to conceal it. Ishiguro has shaped Stevens solitary motor journey as an ironic narrative that reveals more to the reader than it does to Stevens and therefore the reader should be very cautious when reading Stevens accounts, as

  • Desolation and Loneliness in Robert Frost's The Wood Pile

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    1968, p. 118). The man in the poem is not, like Stevens' Crispin, "a man come out of luminous traversing," but more like the "listener" in Stevens' "The Snow Man." In each poem is a recognition of a wintry barrenness made more so in Frost by a reductive process by which possibilities of metaphor - of finding some reassuring resemblances - are gradually disposed of. At the end, the speaker in Frost's poem is as "cool" as is the listener in Stevens, and also as peculiarly unanguished by the situation

  • Dreams Of A Lifetime

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    it might not be like. Steven was one of these more fortunate people until...Steven had to overcome more pain during his lifetime then some could imagine. He dreamed of becoming a wealthy, well known business man, with a loving family. He had no clue that it would be so hard to accomplish the few things that mattered the most to him, his dreams.Steven grew up in a family of poverty, heartbreak, and violence. Every night Steven’s dad would come home drunk and beat on Steven and his sister, Danielle

  • Norman Mailer's An American Dream: The Character of Steven Rojack

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    Norman Mailer's An American Dream: The Character of Steven Rojack In almost every genre of literature there is the classic antagonist, and the classic protagonist. When examining these characters, there are certain guidelines which authors follow. However, there are times in literature when the classic guidelines are broken, and a new prototype emerges. Contemporary writer Norman Mailer broke the mold of the classic character(s) when writing the novel, An American Dream. In An American

  • Evaluation Jane Ellen Stevens' Article

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    stories that capture the viewer's attention. So how are we, as viewers, affected by these stories? In her article, "The Violence Reporting Project: A New Approach to Covering Crime", Jane Ellen Stevens focuses on the effects the media have on the viewers and the people within a community. I agree with Stevens when she states that the media fails to provide viewers with information on community violence and violence prevention. Without the knowledge of the violence that is going on in our neighborhoods

  • No Heroes, No Villains by by Steven J. Phillips

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    No Heroes, No Villains by by Steven J. Phillips After reading the story, I found I had mixed emotions about it. To explain, when we were getting into detail and finally finding out what really happened the day of June 28th, I found myself completely interested and glued to the book. I also enjoyed the way the incident was explained because I felt like I was there watching it all happen from the great detail. I enjoyed Phillips style of writing because through his writing, he really came off

  • Steven Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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    Steven Covey's The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People In the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, lessons for personal change are presented in a very powerful and understandable way. The Habits can be applied to our own lives, our leadership of other people, a school or any other organization that can be run more effectively. However, before an application of these Habits can be made, a basic understanding of the material presented in the book must be obtained

  • Kazuo Ishiguro's Remains of the Day

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    with the two world wars, and it ends Stevens' old way of work, if not the job itself. Although Remains of the Day concentrates on a particular culture, and an obsolescent one at that, Ishiguro makes many insightful observations on human behavior in general. I will explore a few of these observations here, and attempt to show that Ishiguro's work possesses meaning far beyond an examination of one emotionally-repressed servant. Ishiguro illustrates Stevens, and all of the old English butlers, as

  • George Stevens' I Remember Mama

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    George Stevens I Remember Mama Beautifully realized, exquisitely detailed film directed by George Stevens I Remember Mama tells of a Norwegian family living in San Francisco during the beginning of this century. It is an old classical movie, based on Kathryn Forbes' novel titled Mama?s Bank Account. The film is rendered and it is a moving act of memory about how an immigrant family copes with poverty and how they try to overcome the odds of living in a foreign country. I could identify with almost

  • Analysis of Wallace Stevens' 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

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    Analysis of Wallace Stevens' "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" 'Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird' by Wallace Stevens is a poem about what it means to really know something. In this poem, Stevens shows this connection by writing a first person poem about a poet's observation and contemplation's when viewing a blackbird. He does this by making each stanza an explanation of a new way he has perceived this blackbird. First, he writes about his physical perception of the blackbird as

  • Hypocrisy in Steven Crane’s Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets

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    Hypocrisy in Steven Crane’s Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets One of the many themes shown in Maggie: a Girl of the Streets is that of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy occurs when one pretends to be something that he or she is not. Most people associate hypocrisy with a person that speaks poorly of something, yet commits that something him or her self. In Maggie, many of the main characters in the novel display the trait of hypocrisy. The trait is displayed by the characters of Pete, Jimmie, and both Mr

  • Reality in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar

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    in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar For Wallace Stevens, reality is an abstraction with many perspective possibilities. As a poet, Stevens struggles to create original perspectives of reality. Wallace Stevens creates a new, modern reality in his poetry. Actually, Stevens decreates reality in his poetry. In The Necessary Angel, Stevens paraphrases Simone Weil’s coinage of decreation as the change from created to uncreated or from created to nothingness. Stevens then defines

  • Steven Spielberg

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    How Steven Spielburg had effect on other directors. He has been writing movies and screenplays since he was 10 years old. Many other directors only start writing when they go into college or many even high schools. However, this is why Steven is so different compared to the other directors of his time. Steven was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on December 18,1947. He was raised in the suburbs of Haddonfield, New Jersey and Scottsdale, Arizona. He went to California State University in Long Branch. He’s