Subcontractor Essays

  • Subcontractor Resource Management

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    Specialist contractors – generally known as subcontractors – perform the majority of the work on commercial construction projects. They face significant challenges in allocating their resources across multiple, concurrent projects (O’Brien and Fischer 2000). Despite their central nature to project performance, relatively little research has been performed to formally model their operations. Without such modeling, there exists little basis from which to measure or improve performance. This dissertation

  • Alstom Power Turbo-System

    885 Words  | 2 Pages

    The civil subcontractor, Catcon, completed their works prior to June 2008 and we have been advised they have been paid. The electrical subcontractor, Teams Electrical has advised that they have a claim for $2.1m on remeasure, site instructions and claims for delay. Their last milestone payment was paid at 80% and they are currently owed $1.45m for approved works. The insulating and cladding subcontractor, Insultech have had no variations approved and is

  • Essay On Procurement

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    different stages until its completion. The contractor that is appointed usually selected through competition and is solely responsible for the facility delivery and quality of the work that is done and the materials used, this also includes the subcontractors. This process has been used several times over the last while and continues to be a very popular method. Procurement is traditionally is used in a vast range of projects including ones that have great risks attached to them, which in advance the

  • Subcontractors In The Construction Industry

    1261 Words  | 3 Pages

    LITERATURE REVIEW: INTRODUCTION: Subcontractors play very important role in the process of construction and often their work is underestimated. It is very common observation that owners hire professionals such as architects, engineers, construction managers, and general contractors. But, the actual work is performed primarily by subcontractors. The subcontractor performs the work according to the plans and specifications that are provided from the design professionals employed by the owner. For example

  • Assembly Bill 1701 Research Paper

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    1701 (Labor Code 218.7). This new law extends lability to a general contractor on a private construction project for unpaid wages, fringe, and other benefits owed to a subcontractor’s employees. This is regardless of the tier of the subcontractor or if the subcontractor has already been paid or not. Basically, this gives a subcontractor’s employees the right to make a claim against the general contractor for unpaid wages, fringe or other benefits. Before discussing possible protections there are a

  • Unethical Behaviour Case Study

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    first and embrace new provisions of workplace safety into the company code. In order to so, the management may need to understand how the workers feel and think based on the results. In additional, KI may require compliance and commitment from its subcontractors for the new workplace safety practice, which would benefit both the MNCs and

  • Procurement In The Construction Industry

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    parties that usually involved in determining a price for whole or certain jobs in the construction project is clients, subcontractors, and the main contractor. Neither price nor trust can be underestimated as procurement mechanism. Usually the subcontractor is the one of the important organizational parts to drive a project towards its completion. Selecting appropriate subcontractors and managing the relationships are important to the project performance. In reality, the main contractors will give the

  • Nike: The Sweatshop Debate

    1361 Words  | 3 Pages

    sport megastars are reaping in multimillion dollar contracts to promote Nike shoes. Over the years, Nike formulated tactics to deal with the problems of working conditions and compensation in subcontractors. It hired a strong consultant (Andrew Young), commissioned an independent audit of its subcontractors, and spelled out initiatives to improve those working conditions. Still, Nike’s critics were not satisfied. They protested on university campuses and accused Nike of continuing to hide the conditions

  • Nike: The Sweatshop Debate

    1825 Words  | 4 Pages

    Should Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories that it does not own but where subcontractors make products for Nike? In many ways, it seems obvious to me that Nike should be held responsible for working conditions in foreign companies where products for Nike are made. In my opinion a company is not only responsible for itsʼ own employees but also for the employees that produce for them even though theyʼre not in their own company. I think that every part of the supply

  • Personal Ethical System

    1286 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction The term ethics s defined as a set of moral principles that a person or society sets to govern their behaviors (Iqbal, Bhatti, & Zaheer, 2013). This definition is concomitant with the idea of knowing what is right and wrong and making a conscious decision to follow what is right (Paul & Elder, 2006). Conversely, a system of ethics is a set of instructions that govern an organization or particular social structure. This includes a combination of interrelated values that are devised as

  • Internal Review Procedures That Facilitate High Quality Standards in the Organization

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    4. Quality Control Corresponds to Technical Evaluation Factor 4 (i) Internal review procedures that facilitate high quality standards in the organization. Einhorn Yaffee Prescott (EYP) integrates quality assurance planning and quality control reviews into a single, pervasive professional culture of Quality Management. Documented in detail in the EYP Quality Management Plan, our procedures recognize that for every project our clients have a unique blend of objec¬tives—and un¬derstanding those

  • Supply Chain Case Study

    3721 Words  | 8 Pages

    the inherent supply chain in this industry, which is done through encouraging the collaboration of all these elements in a given project. Some of the unique barriers in the process have been discussed below- Technical barriers: The civil industry has been termed as fast paced wherein most of the involved parties face the issue of time constraints and thus tends to find it difficult to look for a mutual commitment to use any kind of extranets (Sauer, 2007). Thus, the involved extranets should work

  • Implementing Innovative Manufacturing Techniques

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    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd has unveiled a new and possibly controversial strategy that involves more collaboration in the early stages of the IC design process. TSMC's program is aimed to reduce development cycles and manufacturing costs, according to analysts. But it could also possibly cause a major stir in the industry, as the silicon foundry giant wants more of the IC pie and appears to be encroaching on the turf in the third-party EDA, IP, packaging and test communities.

  • A Study Of The Silver Fiddle Construction

    1995 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Elite Eagles team cooperated on Assignment 5.3a to prepare a study of the Silver Fiddle Construction (SFC) case as shown on page 233-234 of the textbook (Larson and Gray, 2014). Starting from the project scope statement (created by the president of SFC), the team identified five potential risks and one opportunity as outcomes of the Czopek project. These results derive from team discussions of the case study, summarized below. Our analysis begins with (1) a review of the president’s project

  • The sports shoe industry in China

    2538 Words  | 6 Pages

    The sports shoe industry in China A sweatshop is a workplace where workers are subject to extreme exploitation, including the absence of a living wage or benefits, poor working conditions, such as health and safety hazards , and arbitrary discipline, such as physical and psychological abuse. Brief History: There have probably been sweatshops since one man first began working for another. Although sweatshops certainly existed before, the term "sweatshop" itself did not appear in common

  • Turner Event Summary

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    Good Evening Ms. Caldwell and Mr. H: The following is an overview of the Turner event I attended on Monday evening (August 22, 2016). With nearly 90 attendees, the "DCA South Hangar Line Subcontractor Meet and Greet" started with a brief presentation (approximately 10 minutes) and general overview of the three (3) major construction projects that are scheduled to span the course of seven (7) years. The overview, which was presented by Mr. Ben Short, CMR Program Executive, more specifically detailed

  • Mattel and Toy Safety

    1305 Words  | 3 Pages

    What does the phrase toy safety mean? What are the aspects of the toy safety? Toy safety is ensuring that toys are safe for children according to specific safety standards. Therefore, before manufactures sell their toys to the public, the toys must pass safety tests to prevent injuries. For instance, from a consumer perspective, when choosing toys for their children, there are certain characteristics to observe such as, buying toys large enough to avoid choking, making sure toys like stuff animals

  • Research Interview Assignment John Doe

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    task. Generally, they use Microsoft Project to set up an overall project schedule. A custom database application is used that allows them to track the personnel hours expended to date, as well as all other expenses including equipment purchased, subcontractors, materials and vehicle expenses. This program generates an audit report that can be merged into the schedule to determine where they are with respect to the schedule and budget. Since they are a smaller company, each project also has an overall

  • Nike Child Labor Case Study

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    it would seem logical that companies venture out and obtain for cost effective material and labor. However, Nike is also reported to have no knowledge of working conditions by subcontractors overseas. In addition, reports indicated that employees working at a facility that is “owned and operated by a Korean subcontractor, were forced to work 65 hours a week, far more than Vietnamese law allows, for $10 a week” (Greenhouse, 1997, November 8). In addition to working long hours and little pay, Nike

  • The Goals Of HRM

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    their working experience and advancement of their skills. However, the downside is that the company may experience high labour turnover and at times this is not a good portfolio for the company. In addition, if a company utilised with subcontractors, the subcontractors can leave the company and somehow, it is a burdensome and tedious to find another company to