Stingray Essays

  • An Essay On Yellow Stingray

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    The yellow stingray is a member of the Urolophidae, or round ray family. The scientific name for a yellow stingray is Urobatus jamaicensis, which originates from the Greek words “oura” meaning tail and “batis” meaning a ray. It is most commonly called the yellow stingray, but can also be known as round stingray, yellow spotted stingray, and the maid stingray. (Piercy, 2009) Like other rays of the Urolophidae family, the yellow stingray has an almost round body, or disc body. It has a circular shaped

  • The Stingrays

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    Diet Stingrays eat a variety of foods. Although Stingrays are relatively large creatures, they feed on tiny marine animals such as crustaceans. Specific species include crabs, clams, oysters, snails, worms and some species of fish. The Common Stingray primarily prey during the nighttime rather in the day and because they are in the order of Myliobatiformes, they strictly feed on meat (Carnivores). When hunting, they hunt within the upper water column meaning they eat in areas above the sea floor

  • Kemah Boardwalk

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am visiting Kemah Boardwalk for the day; I came down from Central Texas to visit my friend, Astronaut Rex, at NASA. He recommended I visit the Boardwalk as it is a very nice tourist destination and it sits on the coast. Driving up to Kemah I see there is a very nice waterfront hotel that sits on, what I will call a plaza, it has restaurants around it and lots of entertainment. I see rollercoasters and I am very excited to be here, the view promises lots of fun for children and adults alike. I walk

  • Descriptive Essay About Snorkeling

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    I will never forget the first time I went snorkeling, it was something I had been afraid to do up until the moment I touched the water. Beforehand all I could think about was what if I got attacked by a shark? I was too young to die and I felt like I was tempting fate. Then once I made the plunge into the water everything washed away, as if the waves carried the fear with them as they folded over me. I remember that day so clearly, rocking back and forth, up and down, I sat on a small glass bottom

  • Personal Narrative On Stingrays

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    Someone once told me that someone died from swimming with stingrays and that one flick of a tail or one step in the wrong spot could kill. That was what my family and I were going to do on our trip to the Grand Cayman for vacation. My eyes got big and my hands got sweaty. I don’t think I had ever been so nervous and scared in my life. So scared that I didn't even listen to the other things that we had planned to do while we were there. I had my mind set that I wasn’t going to even get out of the

  • Stingray: The Use Of Covert Surveillance

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    Summary The assigned article pertains to how a man accused of million-dollar fraud uncovered a never before seen, secret surveillance device. In order to track the accused person named Rigmaiden, the investigators had used a secret device called Stingray to pinpoint their target accurately. Agents traced the suspect’s AirCrd back to his apartment as a main evidence for the conviction. This kind of device is not authorized to use for the law enforcing agencies. That is why the device had to be kept

  • Should The Police Be Allowed To Portray Truthful Evidence?

    671 Words  | 2 Pages

    Eric Karsseboom, a local police officer, is shot in East Oakland. The Oakland Police Department and the FBI then tracked down the suspect with the use of StingRay, a device that spoofs a cell tower monitoring all mobile communications in an area. The operation of the law enforcement department is unethical, as they didn't fulfill their duties. They should have obeyed the constitution about defendant rights, should have presented truthful evidence when necessary, and should have not intruded privacy

  • The Top Bunk: A Short Story

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    to the Calvin’s Islands, she got to experience swimming with stingrays for the last 2 days. Em absolutely adored swimming with the dolphins. They would glide across the crystal-clear, blue water , while pulling her along too! They were very friendly, attentive, and sweet, and they felt like slippery, smooth rubber. She had an exquisite time swimming with those dolphins. Though, when she left for Calvin's Islands to swim with the stingrays, it was a contradicting experience. She took a boat out to go

  • Cruise Reflection Paper

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Last December, my family decided to go on a western caribbean cruise. “This boat is massive”. That was my first thought when I saw our cruise ship that we were going be on for an entire week. We got on the boat at about twelve o’clock after staying the night in very hot Miami, Florida. Our ship was the Glory from the cruise line, Carnival. The islands that we went to was Grand Cayman, Mahogany Bay, Belize, and Cozumel, Mexico. We left on December 18 and were not going to get back until Christmas

  • The Conversation Between Meno And Socrates

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Socratic dialogues in the sense that the interlocutor’s experience does not end in the similar fashion as Euthyphro of simply arriving at aporia and the dialogue ending. The second is the response Meno has to arriving at this state of aporia with his stingray speech to Socrates. The third reason solidifies Meno being a transitional dialogue with the presentation of Plato’s theory of recollection and the demonstration of the sample elenchus as a step toward truth after arriving to aporia from Socrates’

  • My Experience At The Lincoln Park Zoo Or The Shedd Aquarium

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    blue tent. We went inside and we were both surprised and excited to see tons of different-looking and sized stingrays swimming graciously throughout the pool. Everybody leaned over and reached their hand in the water, hoping that their hand would touch a back of a stingray. At first, I was scared to put my hand in the water because I didn’t want to accidentally touch the tail of the stingray even though they removed the barbs so they couldn’t sting you. Kristen didn’t have any trouble touching them

  • Turks And Caicos Research Paper

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    As the hot sun shined down on my white bare skin, the warm breeze made my blonde hair move with the wind, the crystal clear water relaxed my mind, the steaming hot white sand burned the bottom of my feet, and the place where I can relax and only see good in the world. This is the beach. My experience exploring Turks and Caicos opened my eyes to a world I did not know existed. When we arrived at Providenciales in Turks and Caicos islands, the first thing I did was run to the beach. I went up to the

  • Corvette Research Paper

    578 Words  | 2 Pages

    market. Corvette was also very successful as a racing car as it was used more than 12 times in the Indianapolis 500 pace car. Since 1953 corvette had many different types and designs, starting from C-1 to C7, ZR1 and the new version of corvette stingray. the corvette’s first 7 generations except the ZR1 was named from C...

  • Senior Trip Research Paper

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    The water was crystal blue, and I could see my pink pedicure on the bottom of the ocean even if my feet were 6 feet deep. We booked an excursion to swim with stingrays, and spend the rest of the day on the beach. Swimming with stingrays was something that I never wanted to do, but ended up being an experience I'll never forget. Stingrays feel like sandpaper on the top and a baby's bottom underneath. The amount of fear that was racing through my entire body was indescribable, along with the adrenaline

  • Corvette Vs Camaro Essay

    1245 Words  | 3 Pages

    Corvette Vs. Camaro Throughout the years, Corvettes and Camaros have ran a hard race as the ultimate sports cars. Customers have always been hungry for better handling, streamline body styles, and sheer “under your pedal” power. The question we are faced with here is which has lead this race. I. 100+ Years of Performance A. The Camaro B. The Corvette II. Handling Hardships A. The Corner Carver B. A Serious Nosedive III. Pure Power A. Corvette and Camaro Powertrains IV. A Display of Streamline Beauty

  • Creative Writing About Fishing

    1466 Words  | 3 Pages

    I was excited! We were on vacation in Isle of Palms, South Carolina, and were ready to do some fishing. We arrived at the marina and were introduced to our captain for the day. I had never gone fishing in the ocean before. My dad, my sister, my two brothers and I were going on the four hour trip. We were all pretty pumped up and ready to hit the water. We finally boarded the small boat and headed out of the marina. I was excited! We were fishing in the harbor so the waves were calm. We had several

  • Personal Reflection: A Trip To The National Aquarium

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    I went to the national Aquarium a couple of weeks ago and I had totally forgotten how beautiful the animals and the exhibits are there. I loved every exhibit starting with the sharks and ending with the amazon rain forest exhibit. All the animals and creatures in the aquarium really bring out a different side in me because due to the high technology world we live in, we don’t pay much attention to the nature and its beauty, well at least I don’t pay much attention. When I went the first part that

  • The Troubling Reality of Zoo Captivity

    663 Words  | 2 Pages

    Close your eyes and picture yourself as a large polar bear in a scorching hot enclosed cage with little children banging on the glass and then stalking everywhere and just wish for privacy for just 1 second. You pace back and forth worried about your family and your cubs that were left in the wild without their parents and wonder if you'll ever be happy again and ever reunite with your loving family ever again. Although zoos educate children and adult about the endangered animals and all the species

  • Analysis Of The Great White Shark

    1545 Words  | 4 Pages

    tear through the flesh of its prey. Their teeth are 2.5-3 inches in height and have prominent serrations which allow them to tear large chunks out of prey including large fish, seals, sea lions, other sharks, carrion, dolphins, elephant seals, stingrays, and fish [8], [13]. These sharks hunt by swimming below the intended prey item and with a sudden burst of speed; they will attack with a large single bite and then swim off to allow the prey to bleed to death. These sharks are famous for breaching

  • Loggerheads Essay

    945 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Caretta caretta, otherwise known as the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, is an oceanic turtle that exist throughout the globe. They are circumtropical species (LeBlanc et al. 2014) meaning they are distributed throughout temperate and tropical ocean regions, but most abundant species are found in the United States coastal range. Loggerheads largest nesting aggregations in the Atlantic are found along the southeastern United States coastal range where about 80% of all nesting occurs and 90%